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美南廣告AD / 工作求職

Fast growing Books Distributor

Fast growing Books Distributor

 in Houston,Texas has multiple positions open:

●Operation Assoicate :  Duties include: 

 Sales Order Processing, Place PO, 

 Order Fulfillments, Inventory Control, 

 EDI systems, Logistics, Basic data entries

●Online Store網路行銷企劃人員: Duties include:  Planning, executing and maintenance of front

 and backend of the website. Plan and design

 website content, update and maintain online

 marketing campaigns, prepare reports for reviews,

 familiar with SEO and provide customer services. 

Excellent Organization Skills, Must be able to multi-task & able to work under pressure, Excellent Microsoft Excel & Outlook, Words skills, 3-4 years Associate or Bachelor Degree preferred.

We Offer competitive salary and benefits. 

Email Resume: resume@bookswindow.com