第一商業銀行 休士頓分行徵才
第一商業銀行 休士頓分行徵才
(First Commercial Bank Houston Br. Job Vacancy)
首家台資跨國銀行 歡迎各界菁英加入
(The first multi-international Taiwanese bank in the state of Texas invites you to join our team.)
● Loan Officer (放款專員)
● Clerk (銀行業務專員)
● IT Officer (資訊專員)
● Accounting Officer(會計專員)
(Good verbal and written communication skills in English and Chinese)
(Major in Accounting, Business, Economics, Finance, IT or related fields)
工作地點位於休士頓市區,意者E-mail: i927a@firstbank.com.tw