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美國新冠疫情日記 10/23

美國新冠疫情日記 10/23

Whole World Watched The Final Presidential Debate

Only eleven days to go. President Trump and challenger Joe Biden took the stage tonight at the final presidential debate. Topics included, “Fighting COVID-19,” “the American family,” “climate control,” “national security” and “leadership.”

Both candidates attacked each other on racial justice and immigration.

Biden accused Trump of pouring fuel on every single racist fire - every single one. Trump said that, “with the exception of Abraham Lincoln, nobody has done what I’ve done for black Americans.”

Biden noted that the Obama administration had commuted over 1,000 sentences -- more commutation than any president before him.

Trump accused former Vice President Joe Biden of allowing murderers and rapists to come into the country and released them into the population. He argued that it’s ridiculous to expect migrants to return to court for deportation proceedings.

On the Paris Accord climate issue, Trump said, “I took us out because we were going to have to spend a trillion dollars and we were treated very unfairly.”

Joe Biden said he will rejoin the Paris Climate agreement if he’s elected President.

On the immigration policy, the cages in question are enclosures where migrant children have been held. Trump said the cages were built by the Obama administration, but the difference was that the Obama administration detained apprehended immigrant children with their parents, while the Trump administration separated children from their parents.

On the coronavirus pandemic, Biden attacked Trump on a comment he made over disinfectants and the coronavirus. “What did the president say? He said, don’t worry it’s going to go away and be gone by Easter. Don’t worry. Maybe inject bleach.”

Trump replied that he was only kidding on that.

Trump tried to raise an allegation made against Joe Biden’s son saying that he received $3.5 million dollars from a Russian businesswoman.

Generally speaking, tonight’s debate was peaceful. Both sides controlled their time and manner.

Today, most Americans are still seriously concerned about the economy and the pandemic.

Who can solve the problems and lead the country and the world? We just need to wait eleven more days.

美國大選 世界沸騰

距離大選僅剩十一天全球都在關注美國總統週四晚上之大辯論主題從疫情经濟、 氣候變遷到國家安全。

在九十鐘之辯論過程中, 雙方表現比上一次平和了許多, 在主持人非常犀利之詢問下双方回答問題上可以说是南轅北轍當問到疫情如何控制時, 川普非常肯定的回答疫苗一定會在年底前出現, 並且已做好动員軍方迅速發放到全國各地, 拜登指控川普治國不力致使二十二萬国人喪生, 如果他當選總統會立即實施全國戴口罩,以及制定一套全國通用的開放商業及學校之方案。

雙方在辯論中互相指控拿了蘇俄烏克蘭及中國大陸之好處 當問到如何处理和中國大陸未來關係時 拜登非常堅定表示將會遵循國際關係模式並將重返巴黎氣候協定。

在振興经濟方案拜登主張大力發展太陽能源, 並希望二 0二五年前能達到功效, 此主張對依頼石油、天然氣之賓州德州及俄亥俄州是不利之消息。


截至今天為止在華府擱置的经濟紓困方案還在國會和白宮間踢皮球 全國各地之中小企業已有六分之一倒閉, 航空公司正在裁員, 近三分之一之旅館已在關閉之中。

新冠病毒真的重創了我們的社會, 大部分國民都處於憂慮不安之中,我們呼籲執政諸公 少些政治口水, 還是以民生為重 才會得人心。

( 图片来源: 路透社)