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大俠行天下日記 我見我聞我思 11/23

大俠行天下日記  我見我聞我思 11/23

    大俠行天下日記  我見我聞我思 

   無助 憤怒 和貪婪

全國各地之疫情有如野火燎原,即將到來的感恩節將繼續寫下令人傷感的日子, 不顧福其博士的勸告,成千上萬的國人仍然要踏上回家之路。


國會參眾兩院和白宮仍然無法達成刺激經濟復甦方案, 到十二月底,許多接受失業救濟金即將到期,最近幾天,在各主要大城市出現了許多領取免費食物之汽車長龍。

在德州南邊城市阿爾巴索,在新冠疫情奮戰近九個月的䒹特醫生,終于抵擋不住病毒之傳播,昨天因病去世, 同時染病的妻子尚在隔離加護病房,這真是人間悲劇。

全世界之目光正在注視美國之動向,全國人民也在熱盼疫苗來解救災難, 我們極端鄙視那些贪恋權位的政客, 他們讓美國蒙羞,譲人民受苦受難, 我們一定要把這些人掃進歷史的垃圾堆中。

美南报业电视集团发行人 李蔚华

 邮件: Wealee@scdaily.com

Helpless, Sad, Anger And Greed

 It is like a wildfire. The whole nation is under the coronavirus pandemic. People ignore Dr. Fauci’s advice. Still waiting to catch a plane to go back home and be united with family before Thanksgiving holidays.


In Washington, President Trump has not answered questions from the press since election day. He is still attempting to overturn the results of the election and has refused to admit his defeat.


The head of the government’s effort to develop a vaccine, Dr. Moncef Slaoui, said today that the first Americans could be receiving the vaccine as early as the second week of December.


It is very sad to see the very long lines in major cities waiting to receive food for the upcoming Thanksgiving holiday. In El Paso, Dr. Gary Wright, a beloved doctor passed away from COVID -19. He had been seeing 100 patients every day.


In Delaware, President-elect Joe Biden was going full-speed ahead to name his cabinet members, including the appointment of Andrew Yang as the first Asian-American to head the Department of Commerce.


Today the world is watching how we will handle this unprecedented political dispute. As the model democratic system on earth, this is very shameful.


Many people are suffering and many have lost their jobs. Yet, many greedy politicians still work only to preserve their own political power and interests. We really don’t know how history books will record their behavior.

( 图片来源: 路透社)