大俠行天下日記 我見我聞我思 12/25

我見 我思 我聞
一國之君 以心何忍
正當五千萬人等待求援,全國各地領取食物救濟的民眾大排長龍, 川普總統不顧民間疾苦, 今午離開白宮到佛羅里達州去過聖誕節打高爾夫, 但他確忘記了數千萬同胞正處於飢餓狀態。
川普總統今天不願回應為何拒絕簽署由他的政府參加協調促成國會參眾兩院批准的國防法案及纾困方案, 由于他對兩個方案另有意見,造成了多少等待急救的國民 ,让他們希望落空,更摧毀了多少個家庭在聖誕夜餐桌上的食物。
我們要勸告总統先生, 他是一國之君 ,不能因為選舉失敗而怪罪於全民 ,他的任性舉止已經让美國蒙羞,让全世界看笑話,最让人不耻的是他已經在給數十位因選舉活動而叛刑的人給予政治特赦,包括他女婿的父親在內, 毎日在白宮研究如何在大選中翻盤。
我們要問總統先生你能遠走佛州去打小白球,丟下十萬火急的纾困案而不顧,如果你說六百元太少, 我們可以先通過你的簽署,再通加到每人二千元也可行。
說實話,我們有這樣的領導人, 只顧一己之私 ,真是天地所不容也。
People Are Suffering
When President Trump was leaving the White House he refused to answer questions about his veto of the massive defense bill or his refusal to sign the $900 billion stimulus package congress had negotiated with his administration.
Tonight is Christmas Eve. More than fifty million families had difficulty putting food on the table today. The long lines are forming in many cities and the people are waiting for food.
Earlier today, Trump invited state Republican lawmakers to the White House. He hoped that someone somewhere will help him reverse the results of the Electoral College vote. Shortly afterwards, he retweeted a call from one of his supporters from Vice President Pence to refuse to ratify the Electoral College results on January 6.
Today President Trump announced more pardons for his supporters including Charles Kushner the father of his son-in-law, Jared Kushner.
As ordinary citizens, we really don’t understand why the president is holding this life or death bill and refusing to sign it. If you think that six hundred dollars is not enough right now for the people, why don’t we add on to it in the future and sign the stimulus package now and release the funds to all of our suffering people?
The whole world is watching the United States of America and they are laughing at us. We never would have thought that as the model of a democratic nation that we would have a leader working against his own people
Mr. President, please look how the pandemic has put our nation into hell. We should come to the rescue of our pain and not add more pain upon us.