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大俠行天下日記 我見我聞我思 12/26

大俠行天下日記  我見我聞我思 12/26

我見 我思 我聞


聖誕日上午六時半位於田那西州納士威爾音樂城中區發生一起爆炸事件, 停在市中心的一輛旅遊車在車主向警方通報後他預告將會炸掉這輛車, 當警察到達後的半小時, 果然如暴徒所說發生了巨大爆炸聲 在六條街外都感受到巨大震撼, 所幸警察事先通知了隣近公寓之居民緊急疏散, 只有三人受傷。

由聯邦調查局組成的調查團已經在參加調查 他們已經證實可能是個恐襲事件, 並且已經在全國發佈通緝令, 最令人不可思議的是,兇嫌是事先向警方告知並從清晨播放音樂。

正當我們正在面對疫情災難, 三十三萬國人失去生命, 在我們的聖誕晚餐上 多少家庭的晚餐桌的親人缺席了家人的心中有無比之悲痛 今早在這個音樂名城的爆炸真是雪上加霜。

川普總統夫婦在前往佛州之前 曾經和副總統潘斯會面希望副總統能夠在元月六曰參議院大會中阻止宣布總統選舉人票之結果, 至到今天 他仍然相信自己是勝利者。

候任總統拜登伉儷今天也發表聖誕賀詞, 他保證將竭盡全力來挽救疫情, 希望明天一定會更好。

Nashville Explosion On Christmas Day

The explosion came after several warnings from inside a parked RV, then the blast shattered the Christmas morning silence in the heart of Nashville, Tennessee.

Just before dawn, police received a call of gunfire in downtown Nashville and the caller said that a bomb would be detonated in the next fifteen minutes. When the RV exploded it blew out windows in shops and offices for several blocks, leaving three people hospitalized.

The police released a photo of the RV on Friday afternoon and said the vehicle arrived at the location at 1:22 AM and parked in front of the AT&T building. It is unclear if anyone was inside the RV when it exploded.

Nashville Mayor John Cooper said that at least 41 businesses were damaged by the explosion. One building located directly across from the explosion totally collapsed.

With the nation still facing the pandemic, this tragedy will only add to the people’s sadness. Many families have lost their loved ones to the pandemic this year and there were many empty seats at Christmas dinner tables in many cities.

Before President Trump left the White House, he met in the Oval Office with Vice President Pence. Trump wants Pence to stop the ratification of the Electoral College votes and to support his bid to overturn the election. Until now, Trump has refused to admit his loss.

President-elect Biden and his wife Jill issued a Christmas message to wish all the people peace, joy, health and happiness in this season, but he knows that for so many of us in the country this has been a very difficult year.

We all hope the year of 2020 will be over soon.