大俠行天下日記 我見我聞我思 12/29

我思 我見 我聞
今年的聖誕節數以千萬計的國人在沮喪失望中度過,國會參眾兩院通過的纾困案, 川普總統終于在週日晚上簽署。
華府白宮之總統大選, 因為川普之堅持自己是獲勝者而一直無法顺利交接, 這場政治大戲牽動了整個世界的動脈 ,他們對於川普之行勁, 多半都感到失望和不安。
九千億的纾困案是在給予失業者及家庭拯救他們燃眉之急,許多人可以避免房屋被沒收, 無錢去買食品而變成無家可歸被掃地出門。
我們也欣見全美許多多社區的左隣右舍在不斷伸出援手, 把安裝好的食物袋送到需要的家庭門口, 大方地捐献給當地的食物銀行, 前往老師家的前院為剛出院的她獻上美麗的歌聲, 為孩童們送上聖誕禮物。
所幸在最前缐上工作的醫護人員已經得到新冠疫苗之接種, 但是這還是少數中之少數 ,就以美國而言, 每一千個國人就有一個人失去了生命 ,這是多麼可怕的數字啊。
我們急盼川普總統不要在以國人之苦痛及生命為兜戯 ,政客們的倒行逆施, 必然有報應 ,也是為天地所不容。
An Anxious and Frustrating Christmas
President Trump signed the stimulus bill and the government spending bill Sunday night to avoid government shutdown.
We are really very sad at this Christmas time. So many people are suffering while the politicians are living a life of luxury and don’t have any feelings for those people in the bottom rungs of society.
We are also watching many citizens who are lending a helping hand to their neighbors and friends. Some of the people deliver food bags in front of their neighbor’s door. Some students were singing songs in front of their teacher’s house. Other people are giving out toys to the disadvantaged kids. After all, we are all brothers and sisters.
The year of 2020 is almost over. And as President-elect Biden said, “Our dark days are not over yet.”
We just all need to stick together. Later, history will give all those arrogant politicians a serious judgment.
The Coronavirus is still attacking our nation in many ways. We all want the vaccine to come more quickly to let more people have a chance to get vaccinated. This is probably the only way we can survive