大俠行天下日記 我見我聞我思 01/22

我見 我思 我聞
十萬火急 救人為先
拜登總统入主白宮首日所發佈之行政命令, 就是要竭盡全國之力來拯救陷入危機的新冠疫情 ,美國已經有超過四十萬人喪命,拜登並指示福其博士立即參加世界衛生組織 ,共同硏擬世界對抗病毒之方法。
總統在白宮同時宣布我們將以戰爭時期之方式倾國家之力量來加速生產疫苗及醫療設備 ,他強調有人還在質疑戰時之緊急性, 我們都知道四十多萬人喪生遠超過二次世界犧牲的生命, 總統將使用國防生產條例, 要立即要求聯邦機構及私人企業共同完成目標。
新政府強調重整人民對政府之信心, 所有醫療專業決不受政治之影響 ,將來直接向全國人民公佈真實情況。
我們知道,拜登團队上任後 ,真是百廢待舉,但是救人命是重中之重, 目前我們需要緊急解決的是疫苗產量, 如何快速運送, 更重要是大家如何盡快接種。
我們欣見總統宣佈未來一百天內接種一億劑疫苗, 並強制大家都戴口罩, 我們目睹前總統在他最後的歡送會上,所有送行者都不戴口罩, 真令人氣愤。總算他已經離去, 你饒了我們老百姓吧。
今天參加了由休斯敦前途硏討中心之研討會 ,超過百位的企業政府領袖參加 ,由哈佛商學院領袖硏究中心肯德教授的一次精彩演說, 她呼籲在疫情期間或過後, 我們都需要另類思考國家及社會之前途 ,如何結合不同行業之相助合作, 才是我們要努力之方向。
Biden’s New Initiatives Come To The Rescue
President Biden focused the full day on rolling out his national strategy to get the coronavirus pandemic under control including ramping up vaccine production and requiring international travelers to prove a negative COVID-19 test prior to traveling to the US.
Biden’s plan starts with a national vaccination campaign to administer 100 million shots within 100 days. Biden said the plan was developed with input from the nation’s top infectious disease expert Dr. Anthony Fauci among other experts. The president said, “We are going to hear a lot more from Dr. Fauci again. Not from the president, but from real, genuine experts and scientists. We are going to make sure they work free from political interference and that they make decisions strictly based on science and health.”
We are so glad the new administration is doing the right thing. We saw Trump’s farewell party where nobody was wearing masks. This made a lot of people very angry to see that. Does Trump really care about us?
Today I joined the Center For Houston’s Future 2021 Annual Virtual Meeting. We listened to Professor Rosabeth Moss Kanter. She is the director and chair of the Harvard University Advanced Leadership initiative. She spoke about local and national leaders and how they can develop a leadership force that can address meeting the challenges of national and local problems in this pandemic time.
Everything is changing in our country. We want to support this new administration to look for better days ahead.