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大俠行天下日記 我見我聞我思 06/23

大俠行天下日記  我見我聞我思 06/23

我見 我聞 我思




德州媽媽協會表示高度不滿,她們說,州長曾經在阿爾帕索大屠殺案之後表示要加強槍枝管控, 但是他如今却放任大家持槍上街。



Texans Can Carry Guns In Public Soon

Since Governor Abbott signed the legislation allowing permitless carrying of a handgun in public, people 21 and older who can legally posses a handgun will no longer need a state-issued license to carry one outside their homes or vehicles.

Opposed by police groups, the Republicans delivered a major win to conservative activists who fought for a long time against the state’s handgun license requirement.

For now, Texans must clear a background check, pass a safety course and they need to be able to shoot their weapon to get a license to carry a handgun in public.

Democratic leaders call the governor’s action “Unconscionable.” Molly Bursey, the volunteer leader for the Texas Chapter of Moms Demand Action also said that Abbott is “full of empty promises.”

We really regret that the new legislative bill will bring more tragedy to our community, especially in urban areas where most of the people live. We are predicting that just in the Houston area alone this year we will have at least 500 victims killed at gunpoint.    

When a lot of people are carrying guns in public in a crowded city, anybody at any time could open fire with their weapons. For sure, more murder cases will happen in the future.

We really don’t know why the lawmakers wanted to see more tragedy in our community.