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大俠行天下日記 我見我聞我思 07/02

大俠行天下日記  我見我聞我思 07/02

我見 我思 我聞


參加了週三下午的休斯敦西南及國際區之市民大會,有幸和新上任的市警察局局長菲尼見到面, 他在大會上和市民們交換了肺腑之言。








Welcome To The New Houston Police Chief Finner

There was a big crowd at the town hall meeting sponsored by City Councilwoman Tiffany Thomas yesterday when we all met the new Houston Police Chief Troy Finner.

Becoming the chief of police in the fourth largest city in the nation is not easy job. Houston’s murder rate is skyrocketing to over five hundred by end of this year.

Houston is located in Harris County and the population from Latinos, Africans and Asians has almost reached a majority because of the coronavirus pandemic, the economy was down until now. Many Californians are now moving to Texas, especially to Houston, Dallas and Austin.

In the town hall meeting, many residents complained about the crime in the southwest area, especially the criminals that are targeting Asian women. People also worry about the open carry gun issue that goes into effect after September 1 of this year.

Chief Finner answered all the questions and promised that his team will work more closely with the local community.

Chief Finner is a native Houstonian and has worked for the Houston Police Department for 31 years. His experience and community connections will make his working together with local groups much easier.   

Because of the nationwide anti-police violence atmosphere, it makes all the police chiefs’ jobs very difficult.

Houston is such a diverse city. In the different ethnic communities, the police need to treat all the citizens very equally. We all need to work together on the many issues facing our city. Otherwise, a growth in the crime rate will become a serious challenge for the new police chief.

We welcome our new Chief to serve our community. The Houston International District is ready to cooperate with our new leader.