大俠行天下日記 我見我聞我思 08/10

華府街上的事物帶動全國的生命缐,路上行走的人群是那麼匆忙, 西裝筆挺,他們處在權力中心是些政治掮客。
On The Potomac River
Today I walked through the streets of Washington, DC. There are many law firms and companies in the tall buildings. Many power brokers and lawyers have offices there and are looking for the opportunity to make a deal.
Nearby are the U.S. Congress, the U.S. Capitol Building and the White House. In the U.S. Senate the senators are still debating the infrastructure bill. This will lead to an important investment in roads, bridges, rail, broadband internet and electric grids. The bill is designed to satisfy the Republican steadfast opposition to new taxes. This kind of infrastructure upgrade will cost trillions of dollars over the next decades. But our nation needs it to improve our living standard.
On Wednesday I traveled around the Potomac River from DC. There are many beautiful bridges with many sailing boats and a lot of high-rise apartment buildings that all together look like a beautiful picture.
When I stood at the Town Center of the Potomac in Woodbridge, Virgina., more than twelve banks surrounded at the center and many cafes and restaurants and expensive cars were parked at the center. The Potomac Town Center is one of the richest communities in America.
Hundreds of mansions surround this small area. A lot of them are “old money” residences and many of them are new billionaires from Wall Street.
There is a big gap between the rich and the poor in our country. I still enjoy this rich small city that represents many success stories.