大俠行天下日記 我見我聞我思 08/11

華府成為世界政治中心,整個城市仍然十分繁忙, 街頭上到處是西裝筆挺的路人, 川梭在政府大樓及律師政客所在的辦公大樓之間,自從拜登上台之後, 這裡的政治氛圍變了許多, 加上華府特區內一直是民主黨當市長,為了照顧弱勢族群,我們常見壯觀的大道上搭起了流浪漢的帳篷 ,也是一道令人驚訝的風景缐。
今天還有一群最匆忙的人群就是我們負責傳遞訊息的媒體群, 幾乎每天都看到站在國會大廈及白宮的電視記者, 向他們的觀眾報導即時快速之新聞, 因為时間倉促, 也経常有許多假新聞的出現, 不過有一個現象是可確定, 只要有電視攝影機出現的地方, 政客們都跑得很快, 因為他們要搶鏡頭。
拜登總統今天在白宮慶祝並感謝參議院通過了一千二百萬億的基建案, 也是新政府上台以來兩黨能夠協調通過的重大議案, 也開啟了數十年來重建國家基建的坦途 ,總統特別感謝那些支持基進案的共和黨参議員並親自打電話表示謝意。
今天的華府顯得有些和睦的氣氛 ,兩大黨能夠攜手合作主要來自選民之壓力, 這個國家再不修整真是太不像樣了。
I Am In The Nation’s Capital
Today I came back to Washington, DC and visited the downtown area with all the many law firms and business buildings. There are so many people walking on the streets, the traffic is so busy and they all are taking the business as usual.
One of the busiest groups were the TV and media reporters. They are always on the street or in front of the White House and government buildings ready to interview people. They are always waiting for the politicians who love the TV cameras.
Today President Biden celebrated the Senate’s passage of the $1.2 trillion bipartisan infrastructure package. This is the biggest bipartisan win of his presidency so far. He said that, “After years and years of ‘Infrastructure Week’ we’re on the cusp of an infrastructure decade that I truly believe will transform America.”
The President wanted to personally thank the Republican senators who supported this bill. The bill is called the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act that includes $550 billion in new federal spending over five years.
We are so glad this bill finally has passed with a 69-30 margin. We could see that most of the senators know that we need to rebuild all over America.