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大俠行天下日記 我見我聞我思 08/21

大俠行天下日記 我見我聞我思 08/21


政要染疫 美國疫情惡化

三位來自緬因州密西西比州及柯羅拉多州的美國參議員今天都被確診為新冠疫情之陽性反應 參議員金恩表示 他已經在自動隔離之中 目前參議院在休會之中一直到下個月才會復會

由于疫情再度升溫 過去六個星期以來 全國施種疫苗的人數在增加中 今天一天就有一百萬人接種 尤其是在奧克荷馬及路易士安那州最為明顯 因為接種疫苗之後的一個星期才會產生抗體許多人還是要特別小心

醫療專家們警告 新型三角洲病毒非常可怕 許多年輕人都有感染之可能 而目前最有效之方法就是馬上種植疫苗

目前全國共有百分之五十一點一的人口打了疫苗 但是我們還是認為是件不可瞭解和思議之事

一向主張不要強制戴口罩的德州州長艾伯特也中鏢了 他雖然打過疫苗 還是無法抗拒利害的變種病毒 許多同黨人士在大庭廣眾之下都未載口罩和保持距離

我們有充分足夠之疫苗等待大家隨時隨地接種 但是許多人因為信仰和醫學之原因 拒絕接受種植 但是他們要知道這並非是自己个人之事而是會影響到整個社區和你接觸的人

學校已經全國開學了 休斯敦北方的康樂學區因為當地拒戴口覃 已經有上百位學童感染了 我們呼籲大家要自重 自愛 病毒是我們共同的敵人

More Politicians Get COVID-19

Three senators from Maine, Mississippi and Colorado all have tested positive for COVID-19 and all three have been vaccinated.

Senator King said in a statement that he began feeling mildly feverish and he is now quarantining at home and is telling the few people he has been in contact with to get treated.

Senator Wicker also tested positive and is being treated by his Tupelo-based physician. He is also in isolation and everyone who has come in contact with him also has been notified.

The Senate will not be in session until next month. With an alarming rise in COVID -19 cases, more Americans have recently made the decision to get vaccinated. In the last six months more than one million doses of vaccines have been administered, it was reported on Thursday. Because it takes weeks to gain immunity following a full vaccination, even those people who just got vaccinated need to be very cautious.

Today hospitals across the state are doing everything possible to respond to the increasing demand being created by new COVID-19 patients.

The CDC has repeatedly urged people and stressed to them that preventative vaccinations are the most effective means to combat COVID-19.

We very much regret that still so many people don’t believe that when you are not protected that the many people you come in contact with will also get infected.

We are so lucky we have the vaccine. For all of us looking at the rest of the world, especially in the poor nations, they don’t have the vaccine and now they are suffering greatly.