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大俠行天下日記 我見我聞我思 09/01

大俠行天下日記 我見我聞我思 09/01

我見 我思 我聞


拜登總统今天發表聲明,二十年之阿富汗戰爭正式畫下句點,並為他的撤軍行動進行辯護, 他認為全面撤離這埸已經二十年的長期戰爭, 是项正碓之決定

美國軍機最後飛離喀布爾國際機場後 ,塔力班們對空鳴槍, 慶祝他們重掌政權, 十三名美軍及一百七十多名平民被恐襲而喪生

國務卿布林肯表示, 大約還有一百五十名美國公民滯留在阿富汗境內, 美國政府將繼續給予協助

截至週一為止, 共有十二萬二千人經美國軍機空運出境 ,其中包括五千四百位美國公民, 當地的美國大使館也全面關閉,但是拜登對於報復十三位被害的美軍之行動不會中斷

二十年在阿富汗之戰爭今天終於結束 ,百分之七十以上的美國人都贊成自阿富汗全面撤離, 但是拜登總統在處理整個撤軍之行動中遭到國內人士之指責, 這項欠缺周圓之計劃造成了嚴重伤亡, 而且導致盟國之不滿

回顧過去數十年之歷史, 從韓戰 、越戰、 中東及阿富汗戰爭, 美國應吸取慘痛經驗和教訓 ,戰爭已經不是唯一解決問題之方

We Are Ending The Longest War In Afghanistan

President Biden told the nation that the real decision in Afghanistan was between leaving or escalating and thereby favored his choice to withdrawal troops as the only option, rather than surging more forces into the country. 

The president said, “I was not going to extend this forever war, and I was not extending a forever exit.”

The U.S. withdrawal was rocked by the Taliban’s unexpected swift takeover of the capital.

As of Monday, more than 122,000 people had been airlifted from Kabul airport including 5,400 Americans. There are fewer than 150 American citizens currently in Afghanistan. The State Department no longer has any diplomats in Afghanistan, but Secretary Blinken said our commitment to them and to all Americans in Afghanistan and everywhere in the world continues.

An immediate challenge for the Taliban is now to run the international airport and decide how to get assistance from the rest of world to survive.

Today the U.S. formally ended the war in Afghanistan. Over the last several decades we got involved in many wars and conflicts around the globe, but we still can’t solve all the problems. We now need to learn from history that war is not the solution, but rather the problem.