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大俠行天下日記 我見我聞我思 09/09

大俠行天下日記 我見我聞我思 09/09



目前是美國國會多數的民主黨正在跟時間賽跑 除了巨額的基建預算之外 其中最緊急的包括在九月三十日前必須增加赤字借贷上限 否則聯邦政府將會停擺

眾議院民主黨領袖佩羅西已經決定在九月二十七日要把五十五兆的基建法案進行表決通過 多半的國會參眾議員也同意增加軍事預算

由于埃德颶風造成之巨大損失 從美南新奧良到美國東北部各州之災難 勢必增加了聯邦政府之支出

在此同時 由政府發放的失業救濟金已停止 聯邦高院也裁定催收房客租金應該為法律所允許 換言之不付房租的房客可以被房東赶走

由於從阿富汗撤軍造成之乱象 也重創了政府之施政形象

自從拜登上任以來 內政 外交都遭到重大挫敗 加上物價上漲 民怨不斷

九月份將是個關鍵時刻如果拜登總統無法力挽狂瀾 出台新政對於明年的中期選舉将會有非常嚴重的後果 如果民主党無法控制國會 拜登總統之執政之路將會雪上加霜

美國正在面臨前所未有之挑戰 綜觀世界大局 拜登急需調整步伐 再創新的大局

Democrats In Congress Facing A Daunting September

The U.S. Congress needs to pass a debt ceiling bill in order to fund the federal government by September 30th to prevent a shutdown.

The debt limit will have to be extended this fall to prevent a global economic collapse.

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi set a deadline date of September 27th to vote on the $550 billion infrastructure bill. Democrats will also need to agree on a tax increase on the rich and corporations to help pay for the budget bill.

With Hurricane Ida damages affecting a wide area from Louisiana to New York could mean that a large amount of relief funds will be needed from the government.

If the Afghanistan withdrawal has damaged President Biden’s ability to lead the country, it will depend on whether or not the midterm election next year will really be affected. If the Democrats lose the majority, that will really go a long way towards hurting the current administration.