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大俠行天下日記 我見我聞我思 09/10

大俠行天下日記 我見我聞我思 09/10

我見 我思 我聞


隨著疫情擴散拜登總統正在考慮在秋天後強制施打疫苗 以阻止病毒之猖獗


根據華府邮報之民意調查 到八月底為止 民眾對拜登處理疫情之民意支持已經降到百分之五十二 比去年同期下降了十個百分點 對疫情之挑戰是拜登最主要的施政方針 對他做的政治聲望有密切的影響

醫療專家們認為疫情難予控制之區域還是在学校及私人企業㘯所 自從九月份開學以來 許多學生還在爭辯是否要戴上口罩 這些中小學校正面對病毒之威脅 對於注射疫苗給十二歲以下孩童還得等上幾個月

從医療數字顯示 目前患有重症及死亡者 百分之九十以上皆未接種疫苗 這真是令人難予置信和費解之事

我們認為 那些仍然拒絕接種者是項極為自私而又害別人的不智行為

今天我們面對的問題已經夠多了 我們大家應該團結一致來對付病毒 回到正常的生活方式 否則 以後的日子真是難予面對

New Vaccine Mandate Are Coming

President Biden will push for new vaccine mandates and testing as part of an approach to end the pandemic. He has received a new briefing from his public health team in the Oval Office.

President Biden will make a new push toward mandating vaccines including to federal employees and private businesses to mandate shots for their employees.

According to a new survey, President Biden’s poll numbers have dropped 10 % since last year from 62% to 52%. At the same time, his overall approval rate has slipped into negative territory since the chaotic withdrawal from Afghanistan and the slow economic recovery.

As schools opened and the students came back to class, battles over masks and vaccine requirements for older students have erupted in schools all over the country.

Health officials predict that it will be at least several months before vaccines will be authorized for children under 12.

The White House said there won’t be a mandated vaccine passport, but it has been pushing other ways to increase the vaccination rate.

According to hospital records, most people got COVID-19 because they didn’t get vaccinated. We really don’t understand why so many people still don’t believe the scientific evidence and refuse to get vaccinated.

Today our community is already facing so many problems. If the pandemic still continues here, how can we survive and ever return to our normal life?