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大俠行天下日記 我見我聞我思 09/16

大俠行天下日記 我見我聞我思 09/16

我見 我思 我聞。



雖然州長曾經受到他在疫情間不戴口罩去參加豪華餐廳之晚宴 但是一般州民對他在疫情期間所採取之措施還是十分支持 他在當天的勝利演說中曾堅定表示 我們贊成科學和疫苗來擊敗這場疫情是他能得民心的原因

近十年來 加州已經是民主黨之大本營 多次總統大選是民主党贏得總統寶座的決定原因 位於加州矽谷的科技大亨 更是候選人的金主 然而近年來 由於加州課稅較重一些企業紛紛出走 而且房屋價格繼續上漲 由于社會福利條件寬鬆 許多流浪漢都到了加州

由於加州天氣溫和 每年至少三百天的陽光普照 許多人都選擇到加州 這個號稱陽光州”,由于疫情及高稅收正在影響它的美譽和未來

California Governor Crushed Effort To Be Recalled

California Governor Gavin Newsom has won himself the second half of his term with a solid mandate for the way he has lead the fight against the pandemic.

More than 9,000 California voters said that the coronavirus was the most pressing issue facing the nation right now and Gavin Newsom won 80% of the votes from them. Newsom said at his victory party that, “We said ‘yes’ to science, ‘yes’ to vaccine and ‘yes’ to ending this pandemic.”

In this recall election, California spent $300 million – what a waste!

Newsom’s victory is a strong indication of Democrats’ power in this sunshine state with a big economic engine.

The big questions in the coming 2022 midterm election is how can Democrats can still control the Congress and the White House?

Many companies have moved out of California because of the pandemic and higher taxes, but still many people love California’s sunshine and beautiful weather.

The Asian community in California has deep roots and they also carry a lot of weight in local communities.

All of us want this pandemic to be over soon. We are looking forward going  back to visit this beautiful state.