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大俠行天下日記 我見我聞我思 09/19

大俠行天下日記 我見我聞我思 09/19



成千上萬的中南美洲難民目前正結集在美墨邊境帝羅鎮的大橋下, 一萬四千名難民正等待美國移民官員審查身份。

這批多半是來自海地及中美洲的難民 ,過去幾天來被困在帝羅國際大桥下, 他們攜家帶眷睡在地上缺水又缺食物 ,真是在上演一場人間悲劇。

海地因為多次之地震及總統遇刺造成大量的難民逃亡潮, 他們主要還是想逃到美國 ,由於疫情嚴重 ,邊防警察授權可以阻止難民越界 ,但是聯邦法官週四裁定此執法行為對於有孩童之家庭例外。

目前美國正面臨非法難民入境之危機 ,單就八月份就有二十萬八千人,今年总共已有一百五十萬难民来到美國 ,但是他們大多數還是會被遣返。

值此全球及美國之疫情還在不斷蔓延之中, 美國在阿富汗撤軍之後要處理為數眾多之難民 ,再加上目前來自墨西哥邊境之百萬逃亡者, 真是令拜登政府焦頭爛額。

美國號稱是人道主義國家 ,又豈可見死不救 ,今天如果世界局勢繼續不安 ,经濟不振, 难民問題是無法解決。

Thousands Of Migrants Under A Texas Bridge

Thousands of migrants, including families and babies, were crowded in a camp under the Del Rio International Bridge last week. They slept in the dirt without much food and water in hopes of being processed by the U.S. Border Patrol.

Many of them are Haitian who have assembled in the temporary site that has grown to more than 13,000 last week.

Haiti is feeling the pain from a major earthquake that left more than 2,000 people dead and thousands more injured with their president Moise having been assassinated.

The southern border crossings have reached the highest level in decades with more than 20,800 in August being reported with a total this year of 1.5 million being met.

Today the Biden administration is facing another crisis again in Del Rio, Texas. Del Rio Mayor Lorano has asked the president for additional resources and manpower to process the migrants at the border.

Images from the bridge show crowds of migrants at the camp. Many were carrying young children across the deep waters and looking to come to America.

With the pandemic still attacking around the world, many people are fighting for survival and trying to join the crowd at the border. We really need to help these people as much as possible. Unfortunately, most of the people will still need to be sent back to their country.