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大俠行天下日記 我見我聞我思 09/30

大俠行天下日記 我見我聞我思 09/30

我見 我思 我聞


美國聯合航空公司週三宣布辭去五百九十三名不願接種疫苗的員工此數字只佔六萬七千名員工不到百分之一 其中有二千名員工是因健康理由暫時未能接種

聯合航空曾在去年疫情時裁員 但是目前因航空景氣重現 需要重新招回工作人員 根據民意調查顯示 全美有百分之五十四的業主主張對員工強制施打疫苗


其他美國主要航空公司如美國航空 三角洲航空及西南航空並未對員工要求必須施打疫苗但是對於那些不願打疫苗者 其健康保險費會相對增加

目前在全美各地仍然有近三成的國民不相信疫苗而拒絕接受接種 這種現象實在令人十分担心 目前疫情仍然嚴峻 飛机上座満旅客最危險的事

今天疫情帶給世界的災難令人心酸和悲傷 如果還有人不相信科學 其行徑會影響到其他人 何況感染上之機率高 這種損人而利己之行為 何苦來哉

United Airlines Dismisses Unvaccinated Employees

United Airlines announced that 593 of its workers face dismissal for not complying with the requirement to get a Covid-19 vaccine shot.

This is less than 1% of its 67,000 workers who are covered by the rule. About 2,000 workers have asked for exemption because of religious or medical reasons.

The United Airlines CEO sent a letter to his employees saying that everyone is safer when everyone is vaccinated.

Like other airlines, United trimmed its staff in 2020 as air travel fell sharply. Now they need to hire back the people. United has one of the strictest employer vaccine mandates. So far, other airlines including American Airlines, Delta and Southwest do not have a mandate, but employees need to pay more for health insurance.

According to a recent survey, in America today only 54% of employers support vaccine mandates.

We are still in the pandemic. We really do not understand why so many people still do not believe in the science and still refuse to get the vaccine.

When you look at the whole world situation, many poor countries still do not have the vaccine and they are really suffering without help.

We as the American people are so selfish and don’t seem to even care what is going on in other parts of the world.

We really need to send a very serious message to those people who are still suffering that they need to take action now.