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大俠行天下日記 我見我聞我思 10/07

大俠行天下日記 我見我聞我思 10/07

我見 我思我聞



行政及立法都撑握在共和黨手中的德州 是该黨之铁票區 可是過去十年來 少數族裔之激增 已經將共和及民主兩黨之支持率非常接近 因此共和黨為了爭取繼續之優勢 他們將會把選區重劃列為優先法案處理

威人士透露 大休斯敦地區第九選區之國會議員格林及廿二選區的希拉積克遜.李將被重劃包括國際區在內將劃入第七選區 因此現任之兩位民主黨議員其中一位勢必淘汰除局

週四下午五时 由少數族裔社區共同發起的反抗重劃游行大會在非裔社區舉行 我們也在參加行例 為這次的示威活動尽份力量

Call To Action Rally

We are joining a group of community leaders and politicians on Thursday to participate in the Save our District rally at Emancipation Park.

Included at the rally will be Congressman Al Green, Congresswoman Sheila Jackson Lee, the Black Women’s PAC and many community leaders all coming together to save and restore our 18th and 9th Congressional Districts.

The Republican-controlled Texas Legislature is working to change and redraw the districts, including our International District, which will belong in District 7 in the future.

We are so angry and don’t understand why Republicans are taking this action only to benefit their candidates. This is unfair to all of us.

Today we urge all our community people to face this reality and fight for our rights.

We all need to call for action: “Enough is Enough!”