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大俠行天下日記 我見我聞我思 10/14/2021

大俠行天下日記 我見我聞我思 10/14/2021

我見 我聞 我思

疫情過後 春節園游會將上场

美國新冠疫情正在持續減緩之中 但是孩童之感染病例確在上升之中上週全美共有十四萬八千多人確診 但孩童數字佔了四分之一。


福奇博士表示 我們必須把疫情控制在每天一千人之下,由於冬天之來臨, 可能會有疫情增加之現象,尤其對那些未接種的孩童們威脅更大。

美國政府已經決定從十一月份開始, 全面開放從墨西哥和加拿大已經接種的旅客這將是十八個月來美國對外正式開放之舉措


自從二 o O年元月二十五日我們舉辦的農曆新年游園會之後 由於疫情之擴散 去年只有在缐上慶祝,我們決定在2022 年元月二十九日舉辦第二十五屆新春游園會迎接辛丑牛年的到來 我們將藉此盛會再次以節日之問侯傳遞給親朋好友 在海外共同發揚華夏文化之偉大傳统

We Are Ready For The Lunar New Year Celebration

After eighteen months of suffering with the coronavirus pandemic, the cases are finally declining in the U.S., but the number of new infections in children remains exceptionally high with 148,222 cases reported last week.

Nationally, the Covid-19 hospitalization and death cases have been dropping in the past week. Approximately 87,676 people reported Covid-19 infections and 1,559 people have died daily.

Dr. Anthony Fauci says that infections should be below 10,000 a day and with the winter time coming and more people staying indoors, experts worry that the number of cases could go back up again.

The U.S. government plans to ease restrictions on travel for fully vaccinated visitors from Mexico and Canada starting next month.

We have decided to sponsor the 25th Annual Texas Lunar New Year Festival on Saturday, January 29, 2022 in the International District. We are expecting many Asian and international performers to join us to welcome the Year of the Ox.

It has been so long since we have held our outdoor activities and we are so happy the pandemic is finally coming under control. We wish all of you to stay in good health and prosperity in the coming new year.