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大俠行天下日記 我見我聞我思 10/29

大俠行天下日記 我見我聞我思   10/29


拜登總統目前在國會正面臨同黨同志之極大壓力來通過他所提出之國家基建福利法案 在今天的閉門會談中 他企圖说服激進自由派的民主黨议員 同意他提出的一千七百五十萬億的经济及拯救氣候變化之法案 這項法案巳得到五十位民主黨参議員之支持



老實說 拜登總統需要在他參加G20 會議之前 為大會交出個成绩單 也為了保住美國在世界上的龍頭地位

近二年來 由於新冠病毒之侵襲 世界之格局發生巨大變化 從阿富汗軍到亞太地區之軍事演習 眼看數以萬計無法進港之貨櫃已經物價飛漲

拜登總統面臨內外之極大壓力 對內必須應對自由極端派對社會低層救助之要求 對外許多盟邦對美國也怨聲載道

我們呼籲拜登總統應該重組國安外交及內政之團隊 來面對問題 重新調整戰略 才能走出困境

President Biden Is Trying To Unite His Own Party

President Biden is trying to pitch a multi-trillion dollar plan on Capitol Hill and bring progressives and moderates together.

In a closed door meeting, the president tried to convince progressives to agree on the long-awaited details of his $1.75 trillion economic and climate package. But his pitch will not be enough to satisfy progressives.

Senate Democrats cannot afford to lose a single vote to pass the bill in process known as budget reconciliation.

Today President Biden is facing many challenges both here at home and abroad. In order to keep his leadership position, he has to show the world how the U.S. can lead the world.

Biden has a great amount of pressure from his own party. When many in Congress ask for more social welfare and more assistance for poor people, where in the budget does the money come from? This is the same issue the federal government has faced over the past several years.

In the meantime, we urge President Biden to change his national and domestic team in order to meet the growing list of challenges.