大俠行天下日記 我見我聞我思 11/11

我見 我聞 我思
由非洲賴比瑞亞首都蒙羅維亞市市長柯琪率領之代表團一行,今午來到美南新聞總部進行交流訪問 ,我們非常熱烈歡迎這批遠道而來的訪客。
十九世紀美國為解放黑奴乃選擇賴國為黑人遷徙地,於1822 年協助首批黑人遷居,賴比瑞亞在1847 年7月26日正式宣布獨立,為非洲最高獨立之共和國, 首都蒙羅维亞,濒臨大西洋,是该國最重要的政治和経濟中心。
柯琪市長在接受美南電視之訪問中, 談到非常熱望和徳州休斯敦結為姐妹市, 並且已得到特納市長之大力支持, 今後將進一步加強美非及兩市之交流和合作。
美南新聞集團屬下的國際貿易中心,過去十五年來不斷推進國際文化、経濟交流, 尤其非洲大陸曾兩次舉辦徳非高峰會。
市長代表團一行參觀了美南新聞總部,並希望今後為賴比維亞大力推廣该國之觀光文化交流, 我們已經允應在明年舉辦一次推廣活動,這位年青充滿活力的首都市長, 對於和休斯敦市的姐妹市關係,充滿期待, 並將在十二月份接待來自休斯敦之代表團, 簽訂姐妹市合約。
我們甚盼柯琪市長之來訪 ,再次打開另一扇美非兩國交流之大門。
The Mayor of Monrovia Feiffer Koijee Came To Town
We are so honored to receive the mayor of Monrovia, Jefferson T. Koijee, at Southern News Group to discuss how to promote the sister relationship between Houston and Monrovia.
Monrovia is the capital city of the west African country of Liberia. Founded in 1922, it is located on the Atlantic coast and is the country’s most populous city. With a population of more than one million, Monrovia is also the country’s economic, financial and culture center .
Under the leadership of Mr. Val Thompson, the two cities will become sister cities to promote cultural and economic ties.
Over the last several years, we have sponsored many events at the International Trade Center, especially with African countries We also have hosted two events with Rice University and the Texas African Summit.
This is time that we all need to work together and look to solve global issues. When the pandemic damaged the globe, a lot of poor nations did not have much ability to survive But this is a global issue.
We hope this sister city alliance will really help the African countries in many ways.
Mayor Koijee is such a young and vigorous young politician for Afirica. We now can see a bright future for his country too.