大俠行天下日記 我見我聞我思 11/16

近年來為美南電視每週一晚間主持節目的李恕信博士,最近從外州返回休城探親訪友, 她回到自己多年熟悉的地方, 有著無限的感受和回憶。
李教授是我們認識來自台灣早年的留學生, 就如早年這批懷著對美國的美麗夢想, 她幾乎都實現了, 拿到博士學位 ,在大學教書 ,手創教會中之中文學校 ,參加共和黨参選美國國會議員, 到華府雷根政府中出任教育部高官, 出版了八本書, 晚年在云遊世界各地 ,這幅美麗的圖畫, 是許多人夢寐以求的人生規劃。
然而在六十代末已經來到美國的留學生, 她們當時之處境雖然不甚富裕 ,但是生活環境確十分單純。
五十多年後的今天, 世界格局變了, 美國變了, 中美兩國之關係也變了,我們這批生活在美國的華裔生活也變了。
老實說, 如李教授如此経歷過大風大浪和參與政治的儏出華人, 在他們內心深處存在許多矛盾和情緒, 美國這塊土地給予移民最佳之機會, 但是我們仍不忘懐自己是華夏兒女, 如何掌握自己之處境, 有時是非常為難之事。
今天正逢中美兩國元首進行會談, 如果解決彼此爭端, 我們甚盼兩國能以世界和平為重, 尤其是台海危機 ,是我們在海外的華人最關心之大事。
Professor Lee’s Chinese-American Complex
Our Southern TV Monday night host Dr. Esther Lee came back to Houston to visit us and her old friends. Over the last twenty years things have changed a lot in this space city.
Professor Lee was one of the most outstanding scholars in the Chinese-American community. She came to this land in the late 60’s from Taiwan. After getting her Ph.D degree, she taught at the university and started a Chinese school in a church. She wrote eight books and served in Washington during the Reagan presidency. Afterwards she ran for Congress in the Houston area. Even though she didn’t make it, nonetheless, she was a real pioneer in the Asian community to run for a political post.
After one half of a century, the world is changing and America has also changed, as well as the relationship between the U.S. and China.
We really appreciate this great land that has given us our opportunity to be successful, but we also love our heritage being from ancient China.
Today, like Dr. Lee, we look at how the relationship between these two countries has deteriorated and we have very mixed feelings.
We want the leaders of both countries to use their wisdom to look for world peace.
Many people like Professor Lee in America want a better relationship between the U.S. and China.