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大俠行天下日記 我見我聞我思 11/17

大俠行天下日記 我見我聞我思 11/17

我見 我思 我聞




盡管雙方未就任何實際問題達成協議但是雙方領導人都表示要避免軍事衝突 這也許是使兩大強國減少正面對抗之情勢降溫也算是高峯會最大之收獲

拜登總統表示雙方要建立護欄避免軍事對抗是我們對世界和我們國民都負有的責任 白宮希望對於雙方保持交流管道暢通的必要性 但是對於臺灣南海及科技方面存在分歧

從中美兩國關係層面而言 臺灣問題是最大的問題 中國領導人再度重申臺灣是中國領土不可分割之一部份而美國卻不斷出臺支持臺灣的各種動作

從國際政治實力之觀點而言中美元首視訊高峯會已經確定世界G2 之形成美國當前面臨之許多重大問題已經說明必須有中國之參予來共同解決

臺灣問題是我們海內外華人共同關心之重大問題 我們必須告誡臺灣執行當局 必須審慎行事 否則生活在臺灣的人其後果將不堪設想

No Major Breakthrough At U.S. - China Summit

After three and one-half hours of the virtual summit between President Biden and President of China Xi Jinping Monday night, there were no major breakthroughs.

The White House said that President Biden raised concerns about human rights abuses and China’s unfair trade and economic policies and President Xi indicated that U.S. support for Taiwan was playing with fire.

Nevertheless, the two leaders are willing to manage their differences to avoid conflict between the two largest powers in the world. This could help to lower the overheated rhetoric in recent months.

As Biden said, both sides need to build some common-sense guardrails and need to keep the communication lines open. The president also expressed that he was prepared to move relations in a positive direction.

This meeting was initiated at President Biden’s request. It reflected the situation in light of a possible military engagement with China.

Today we as Chinese around the world are very concerned and worried about what is going on with the Taiwan situation. This is also a major issue between the U.S. and China. We want to remain the current ruler of Taiwan and China needs to take very cautious steps to reduce tensions in the Taiwan Strait. We don’t want a war to destroy our motherland and our people.