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大俠行天下日記 我見我聞我思 11/18

大俠行天下日記 我見我聞我思 11/18

我見 我聞 我思


經過了將近年之沉悶和疫情之侵襲 當全國各地迎來感恩節及聖誕節日 美南新聞廣埸上的媒體大樓及國際貿易中心已經粉刷一新 包括聳立在百利大道上的電子LED 視頻都換上新裝 希望迎接節日之到來

由美南傳媒集團主辦的第二十三屆德州虎農舊新年慶祝大會定於明年元月二十九日星期六隆重登場 這也是年來我們首次舉辦之戶外大型活動 將於當天推出上百个各國舞蹈 雜劇 時裝 歌唱表演 並將有近百個攤位陳列在廣埸上將是大休斯敦地區之一項大型文化盛會

多年來 我們已經是第二十三年舉辦新春園游大會 我們希望在這個多元化的種裔社區發展向大家展示中華文化之博大 更希望我們的下一代要以華夏兒女為榮

今天我們的社會真的變了 許多對華亞裔之歧視和仇恨公然出自政客口中 他們正在製造矛盾和社會之不安

我們大家都選擇了這塊土地是我們安身立命之地 大家要团結起來 向那些種族歧視份子大聲說 ”, 因為這裡就是我們的家園

今天我們共同迎接虎年之到來 我們以大型文化藝術表演方式 以實際行動來向主流社會表達我們的傳統 一次顯示美國是一個多元族群之大熔爐 為我們的下一代鋪出一條康莊大道

Welcome To The Year Of The Tiger! 

The Texas Lunar Festival Is Coming!

Southern News Group is organizing the 2022 Texas Lunar Festival to be held on Saturday, January 29, 2022. The festival will include live performances that will be televised through STV 15.3 local tv station and online at scdaily.com and through our APP Southern news Group.

We are not only celebrating an important part of Asia, but also will include many international performances.

We are here to welcome the Year of Tiger. For the last several years, community leaders and volunteers have worked hard to promote the remarkable diversity and impressive leadership of the greater Asian community while fostering friendship among nearly every culture.

Today we are so proud to call America our home. We are living in the land of opportunity and diversity. We fully believe this nation belongs to all of us.

The Southern News Group compound has a new look. We are so glad to welcome all of you to come to our 2022 Texas Lunar Festival on Saturday, January 29, 2022.