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大俠行天下日記 我見我聞我思 12/01

大俠行天下日記 我見我聞我思 12/01

我見 我聞 


美國聯邦儲備銀行主席包爾在國會做証時表示 如果新型新冠變異病毒奧密克戎將對美國経濟復甦造成威脅

雖然目前對此病毒尚無法掌握 但是如何繼续下去勢必造成物價之繼續上漲 妨碍就業及供應鏈之危機繼續惡化

包爾在証詞中表示 在今年夏天時 因新型三角病毒來襲時 許多人因而懼怕旅遊 購物和到餐廳用餐 進而造成供應錬之受阻 但是秋天過後 美國濟就強力反彈 就業情況良好 因此降到百分之四點五 是二OO年五月以來之最低紀錄


新冠病二年來對世界經濟社會造成了空前之災難 尤其是對國內外貧苦之大眾 雖然政府之救助可解燃眉之急 但是仍然生活在恐懼和不安之中

世界衛生組織發表的聲明 警告病毒將無處不在 許多國家已經採取鎖國手段 這些也是造標而非造本之措施


Omicron May Pose A Threat To The Economy

Federal Reserve Chairman Jerome Powell said that the new Omicron variant will threaten America’s economic recovery.

Even if it remains unknown and yet still prolongs the pandemic, it could keep prices rising, hurt job growth and cause supply chain problems.

Powell delivered his testimony in a Senate committee on Banking Housing And Urban Affairs. He noted that when the Delta variant spread across the globe this past summer many people were afraid to travel, shop and eat at restaurants or even return to work. That was what held back the U.S. economy. But when the infections fell off, throughout the fall the economy picked up steam while the job market rebounded and the unemployment rate fell to 4.6 %, the lowest rate since may 2020.

Today our greatest concern is that if the virus reduces people’s willingness to work in person, then that would slow progress in the labor market and also add to supply chain disruptions.

Another virus is now threatening the world. We are still expecting the scientists and medical experts to come to our rescue with another vaccine to fight off this evil.

All of us live here on the same planet. No country can be isolated. We all need to work together to fight for our common future.