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大俠行天下日記 我見我聞我思 12/08

大俠行天下日記 我見我聞我思 12/08

我見 我思 我聞


拜登總統表示將不會派美國政府官員參加北京舉行的2022 年冬奧會 理由是中國政府在侵犯人權 白宮新聞秘書薩琪說抵制是對新疆侵犯人權行為的回應 中國外交部發言人趙立堅回應時表示 抵制是作秀炒作

國務卿布林肯表示他正在和盟國積極討論如何共同抵制北京冬奧會 在此同時 美國奧委會也發出聲明 它不支持阻止美國運動員到北京比賽的抵制活動

雖然中美兩國領導人才舉行了面對面的視訊會議 但是我們還是未看到兩國關係之改善 尤其是美國即將舉辦之世界民主峯會 旨在公開反對威權政府

我們必須呼籲中美兩大國家必須慎重面對世界之難題 從目前情勢觀察 兩個關係正在各種領域不斷產生矛盾 尤其是美國國會正在給予拜登總統巨大之壓力 美國在批判其他國家的人權時 也要檢視我們面臨的種族歧視嚴重的內政問題

我們欣見世界乒乓球大賽剛在休斯敦圓滿閉幕 全球選手共聚一堂 這項民間體育交流充分说明國民交往之重要性

全球面臨之疫情和経濟難題已經夠頭痛了 政治領袖們要多多關心人間疾苦多解決經濟問題 少幾分政治鬥爭 才是人民之福

U.S. Will Boycott The Beijing 2022 Winter Olympics

President Biden made it official: The U.S. will not send any American government officials to the 2022 Winter Olympics. White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki said that while American athletes would be able to compete in the Winter Games in Beijing, there would be no delegation of American officials sent to the games. She said the boycott was a response to human rights abuses in Xinjiang.

In the meantime, the Chinese government said that those calling for a boycott were “grandstanding,” and further stated that, “If the U.S. insists in willfully clinging to its course, China will take resolute countermeasures.”

The U.S. Olympic committee issued a statement saying that it did not support a boycott preventing American athletes from competing in Beijing.

Just a couple of weeks ago, the world Ping Pong championship tournament held successful events in Houston, Texas. We are so glad that many of the young people came together not only to compete in the games, but also to promote friendship between all the people.

Today our world already has more trouble than it can handle. We hope the two countries will continue to improve their relationship which really relates directly to world peace and prosperity.