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大俠行天下日記 我見我聞我思 12/10

大俠行天下日記 我見我聞我思 12/10


几內亞駐美大使楊森及濟參贊馬麻杜一行今午再度到國際貿易中心參訪 我們設午宴表示歡迎

楊森大使此行主要是參加在休斯敦舉行的美非能源高峯會 该國礦產資源豐沛 其中以鋁礦為世界最大產地

幾內亞最近因軍事政變 目前掌權之臨時總統表示 他將盡快制定新憲法還政於民

几內亞佔地二十五萬平方公里 人口近一千三百萬 人均所得一千二百四十四美元 是世界上最貧窮的國家之一

楊森大使曾任該國中央銀行總裁 為國服務數十年 雖然國內政權更迭 但是仍然請他繼續擔任駐美大使

世界能源大會此次在德州召開 主要是探討如何加強對非洲和世界各地在能源方面之合作共有來自十八個國家的能源部長和工商界三百多人参加


參加今天招待會的還有前縣長埃克 索比亞駐休斯敦名譽總領事卡比地大使及工商界人士多人

國際貿易中心正在籌組工商代表團將在適當時機訪幾內亞 衣索匹亞等國家

Welcome Back, Mr. Ambassador Yansane!

The 23rd World Petroleum Congress is holding their meeting in Houston, Texas, with representatives from more than seventy countries. Three hundred speakers including eighteen Ministers of Energy and CEOs from around the world will discuss issues facing the world today. They will explore and learn about Houston and other destinations that are advancing technology and innovation while shaping the future of the world.

Ambassador Kerfalla Yansane and Economic Counselor Diallo Mamadou came from Washington to join the meeting.

We are so honored to host a welcome luncheon party for them at the International Trade Center. Our guests include Judge Robert Eckels, Hon. Consul General Gezahgen Kebede and many other business leaders.

Over the past several years we have worked with Ambassador Yansane to promote the relationship between Texas and Guinea. Even though the political situation has changed in Guinea, we are still trying to organize a trade mission to visit Africa in the near future.

Guinea is one of the poorest countries in the world. They need all kinds of assistance to lift up their economy. We are here to do our best to help their people get out of poverty .