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大俠行天下日記 我見我聞我思 12/15

大俠行天下日記 我見我聞我思 12/15



這位出生在密西西比州斯達威鎮的企業家, 從高中時代就移居德州 ,他以「為你省錢」之广告詞為他的傢俱店做了扭轉业務之重要轉捩點 ,故事應該從四十多年前说起, 當他在創業時已經面臨山窮水盡只剩下一萬美金, 他決心投放在電視廣告上, 当他在觀看電視台制作時, 對於台詞和播音員之表現很不満意, 最後只有自己上陣, 他就是以「為你省錢」這句話打開了他事業的輝煌時代。

當他的傢俱連鎖店遍布在休斯敦的各角落時, 他對社區之慈善義舉從未中斷, O一七年哈威颶風, 二〇一九年依美達大淹水以及二O二一年德州大停電, 他打開大門將所有人在店裡過夜, 包括流浪漢在內並提供熱食和咖啡, 這一幕幕令人感動落淚的场面, 絕非一般人能做到的善事。


今天我有幸和麥金維爾同台, 向上週被五十個龍捲風侵襲的肯塔基等六大州之災民們伸出援手, 把玩具、 食品、 飲水、 帳蓬和衣物送到災民手中。

麥金維爾在休斯敦北邊的傢俱店, 大卡車隊正在整裝待發, 開向災區。

我們也要呼吁華亞裔社區人士伸出援手, 可以把你們的捐贈品送到美南新聞廣㘯, 我們一起加入救災行動。

We Salute Mattress Mack

We went to Gallery Furniture and met Mr. Jim McIngvale and delivered some toys so that his truck could send them to Mayfield, Kentucky. I am so honored to be a part of his mission to help people when they really need it.

Mr. McIngvale, also known as “Mattress Mack”, was born in Starkville, Mississippi, and moved to Texas where he played football at Denton, Texas’s University of North Texas.

In the early years when he opened his Gallery Furniture store, he invested his remaining $10,000 in a television station in Houston. But he was not satisfied with the TV station production, so he created his own slogan, “Save You Money!” He is best known for his energetic and fast-paced sales pitches.

Today he owns one of the largest furniture stores in Texas. In 2002, Jim McIngvale co-authored the book, “Always Think Big” with Thomas Duening and John Ivancevich and talked about ups and downs of his business.

In August 2017, he opened his store to people affected by Hurricane Harvey and when Storm Imelda flooded Houston in 2019, he once again opened his door to storm victims and provided them with free meals.

During the 2021 Texas power crisis and winter storms, McIngvale allowed people to shelter from the cold and spend the night in the Gallery Furniture showrooms. When Hurricane Ida hit the Gulf Coast, particularly in Louisiana, he again opened his door to shelter Louisiana residents at his furniture store and again provided warm meals to them.

Today our communities are facing more challenges than ever. When we look at the disaster that just happened in our neighboring states, we need to help those people like Mr. McIngvale is doing.

We want to urge our community to take action now. Southern News Group has also set up a tent to accept donations from all of you. Let’s all follow Mattress Mack’s example, our hero, to send our love to all those people who are still suffering.