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大俠行天下日記 我見我聞我思 12/26

大俠行天下日記 我見我聞我思 12/26


當全國各地籠罩在新冠疫情之隱憂之中 拜登總统呼籲大家趕快去打疫苗 並要在過節前去做核酸檢測 以阻止病毒之繼續擴散 我們也於週一開始在國際區美南新聞廣㘯和百利大道原金殿酒家前以及凱蒂亞洲廣場等三個地方設立了免費檢測中心

全美五十州已經被新變種病毒奧米克戎攻陷了 白宮再度收緊對國際旅客之要求 必須在出发至美國前二十四小時出具陰性檢測證明 飛機火車及巴士上必須佩戴口罩 並將通過衛生中心及鄉鎮诊所全面實施測驗工作

目前還有近五千萬國人還未種植疫苗 他們用各種不同理由拒絕有科學根據之疫苗 這也是造成病毒不斷有機可趁之原因

我們呼籲大家立即行動 在你和友人及家人集聚之前務必去做檢測 而且這三個地點都非常方便

昨天和中國人活動中心負責人楊德清等一起再次到床墊大王慈善家麥克的店𥚃 捐助了近四千美元之各種玩具 請他送到肯塔基災區 麥克非常感動並多次向中國人活動中心表示感謝

我們希望大家一起行動起來為我們社區盡份心力 更能加深大家對華亞裔之良好印象

We Establish Three Covid-19 Testing Centers

As people are worrying more now about the Covid-19 pandemic, President Biden has urged all people to get vaccinated and go get tested as soon as possible.

We also have started to set up three test center locations in our community including in front of the Southern News Group building and another on Bellaire Blvd. and at the Katy Asian Mall.

In the last few days, all fifty states have been captured by the new Omicron variant. The White House once again has asked all international travelers coming into the United States to have a negative test certificate within 24 hours. All people on planes, buses and trains must wear masks.

At the present time, we still have fifty million people who have not been vaccinated. They refuse to be vaccinated for various reasons which the new virus continues to take advantage of.

We call on everyone to act immediately to be sure to get tested before you get together with your friends and families for the holidays.

Yesterday I was with leaders from the Houston Chinese Civic Center and we donated a lot of toys to be sent to Kentucky through Mattress Max. He was so moved to be able to be a part of these helping hands.

We hope all of our Chinese and Asian community friends will be joining us to help the many people who need help.