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新聞 / 今日要聞

大俠行天下日記 我見我聞我思 12/31

大俠行天下日記 我見我聞我思 12/31



今天我要代表所有在媒體岗位上又再奮戰了一年的工作同仁 向大家遞上誠之祝福和感恩 當我看見窗外在美南新聞廣場上仍然排著長龍在等候檢驗的人群 我心中仍然有陣陣的隱痛 這是我們居住的美國嗎

過去一年 從拜登主政白宮 疫情至今仍然猖獗 元月六日支持者攻佔國會 美國從阿富汗匆忙撤軍塔力班回朝執政 氣侯變化在全球帶來之災難 美國和澳洲英國結盟出售核潛艦 美墨邊境之難民潮 全球供應鍊斷裂物價上漲 中美關係繼續惡化 當我們細數令人悲哀和難挨的一年 世界真的變了

當时光之巨輪不断向前 我們即將揮別陰霾的一年 在這片我們共同生活的土地上 大家繼續發揮守望相助 愛你邻里的精神 把溫暖送到社區

新歲的旭日已在升起 雖然艱辛日子未見好轉 但是我們沒有悲觀的權利 我們歡愉在洋溢希望的一年 祝福大家在各自的崗位上都能更加勇猛精進 去開創一片精彩的天空

New Year’s Greeting

Dear readers and viewers of Southern News Group and brothers and sisters --

Today, on behalf of all my colleagues who have been fighting for others in this difficult year while holding down their media positions, we would like to send our sincere gratitude to all of you. Because of your support, we are still standing taller and stronger. 

When I watch through my office window, I still see the crowds in long lines of cars in front of our office parking lot, there are still bursts of hidden pains in my heart. Is this the country we live in?

In the past year since Biden became president, the migration crisis at the Mexican border has worsened, supply chains have faltered, inflation has jumped up the prices of most goods, the United States withdrawal from Afghanistan, climate change has brought disasters and the US-China relationship continues to deteriorate.

As the wheel of time keeps moving forward, we as a community, all of us, still need to help each other and support the lives of our neighbors and friends.

Even though the bad days are not over yet, we do not have the right to be pessimistic. The rising sun of the new year has arrived. We hope that everyone will have more courage in the new year and that all will work together to create many wonderful days ahead.