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大俠行天下日記 我見我聞我思 01/23

大俠行天下日記 我見我聞我思 01/23

我見 我思 我聞


週六上午九點半在紐約時代廣場地下鐵, 一名黑人將名正在等待上車的亞裔婦女推下站台, 這名亳無防護的女子被推下後被一輛進站的列車當場撞死

根據警方調查 這名受害者是四十歲的華裔米瑟爾高 而兇嫌是六十一歲的非裔男孑西蒙馬爾西亞 曾經是一名毒販因搶劫被判二年入獄於去年八月才獲釋出獄

這項令人悲憤交集的新聞 再次在我們社區中激起巨大之關注和不安 雖然目前還未確定是種族仇恨事件 這正再度暴露拜登政府及地方執法者之束手無策

我們要非常強烈的指出 目前聯邦政府之社會政策 正在引導社會走向墮落和不安 社會福利正養了一大批不去工作的人 更有許多無家可歸之流浪漢及精神病患者造成社會嚴重問題 一群人可以公開集體去搶刼名牌商店及鐵路集裝箱 這難道還是我們所認識的美國嗎

拜登政府上任即將屆滿週年 老實說 我們知道的小商業主生存仍然面臨危機 但是都未得到任何幫助 試問 民主黨還能挽救這個國家嗎?

Tragedy Happens Again

A black homeless man allegedly shoved an Asian woman to her death in front of an oncoming subway train Saturday morning at the Time Square station. The horrifying episode happened at 9:40 am.

According to the police report, Michelle Go, 40, was waiting on the southbound platform when she was pushed onto the train tracks and struck by an R train.

                                                                                                                                                The suspect, identified as a black man, Simon Martial, 61, was arrested and charged with second degree murder. He has a criminal record and at least three arrests going back to 1998 when he was charged with robbery and was released in August of 2021.

This sad news again aroused great attention in our community, although it has not been determined whether it was an act of racial hatred. Once again, this tragic act exposes the helplessness of the Biden administration and local law enforcement.

We would like to point out very strongly that the current federal government’s social welfare policy is leading many people to simply avoid going back to work. Just look at the groups of people who openly rob department stores and train containers. Is this the United States of America we know?

This is the first anniversary of the Biden administration. To be honest, most small businesses are still in crisis, but most of them have not received any help from the government.