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大俠行天下日記 我見我聞我思 01/26

大俠行天下日記 我見我聞我思 01/26



美南傳媒電視台為了歡接數位多媒体時代之來臨 除了在傳統電視15.3 頻道 更結合了Google APPYouTube 微信 頭條 抖音等社群媒體全面展開了對觀眾讀者之服務

正逢農曆春節之到來 我們將在元月廿九日星期六上午十時在休士頓美南新聞電視總部大攝影棚第一次舉辦缐上春節庆祝大會邀請來自德州國際社區的各族裔領袖及藝文團體 包括華裔 越裔 非裔 拉丁裔共同迎接虎年的到來我們除了慶祝農曆新年之外 更彰顯社區族裔共存共榮之傳統 大家共建美好的未來

美南新聞傳媒集團近年來和亞馬遜合作之出書計劃 正在大力推廣 我們為許多知名作家和市井小民出版了自己的作品 並且寄存在亞馬遜網路上永遠留傳

我們更計劃此次慶祝春節电視网上大會之後 利用我們專業團隊及華麗之大㕔 創建「家庭媒體制作計劃」走進百姓家庭 透過電視訪问 報導專欄 專業攝影 社群媒體 詳細記錄您生活中的點點滴滴 並且永久保存在媒體雲端之中 在人生的旅程中不會留白 美國全國5G 時代已經來臨 我們迎接新媒體帶來的新契機 譲我們大家共同寫下新的歷史篇章

We Are All In The New Media Age

With the arrival of the Year of the Tiger, we are holding the spring festival celebration on new media through our App, YouTube, WeChat, TikTok and other community media to reach around the world.

We have invited many community leaders from the Chinese, Asian, African and Latino communities to join us to welcome the Year of the Tiger. All of us together can build a better community.

Last year we teamed up with Amazon on their platform to publish books for many authors. Now we are planning to organize a professional team to create stories for many people so we can keep them in the cloud for their lifetime records.

The 5G age is here. We all welcome this opportunity to be working in this new media age. Let’s write the new chapter together.