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大俠行天下日記 我見我聞我思 02/01

大俠行天下日記 我見我聞我思 02/01

迎虎年 春之頌

今晨推開窗門 一束燦爛的陽光走進來 在美國的南方有幾分暖意 是春天來了

挥別故土在他鄉生活的海外遊子 也透過鑼鼓聲拉回童年時的記憶 那股鄉愁和思念永烙在我們心底

我們生活在一個不同族裔的大熔爐中 二百年來 來自世界各地的移民落腳在這片土地 造就了今天的美利堅 我們是主人而非過客

休斯敦市長透納昨天在我們慶祝農曆新年之直播現場 不斷表彰華亞裔對國家之貢獻 多少勤奮守法的公民 默默努力打拼

春風的暖意展示著百花即將齊放 它代表了朝氣和力量 我們必須抓住現在 不斷努力向前

陰霾的日子即將過去 公衞醫療專家今早預言 新冠病毒之猖獗已經可以在控制之中 種疫苗口服藥品是病毒之克星, 凭借人定勝天的決心我們要給科技醫療專家深深一鞠躬 感謝他們拯救了人類免於浩刧

萬紫千紅總是春 吹走了冬日的寒冷 我們要帶著這份勇往直前的衝動 迎向明天

Spring Is Coming

This morning when I opened the front door, a bouquet of bright sunshine came in. It was a little warm in Texas. We felt that the springtime is coming.

Many immigrants came to this land from so far away. The sound of drums brought us back to our childhood memories. Over the last century, many people from around the world have settled down here and now call America their home.

Houston Mayor Sylvester Turner continues to recognize the great contributions of the Asian American people to our country, especially when we are celebrating the Lunar New Year, and his message is very clear.

Today public health experts are predicting that the worst is over for the Covid-19 pandemic and it is under control. We deeply appreciate all the hard work that they have done for all of us.

The warmth of the spring breeze shows that the flowers are about to bloom. It represents new vitality and strength.

We need to move forward bravely to welcome the Year of the Tiger.