大俠行天下日記 我見我聞我思 02/18
![大俠行天下日記 我見我聞我思 02/18](https://scdaily.com/images/caNnkaAxFkbINh9LDMcfRXsMfWEOv2viaD1HeXxb.png)
我見 我聞 我思
根據警察之報告, 警方在接獲報案破門進入李女士隣近華埠之公寓時, 發現死者身上40多處刀傷而斷氣 ,行兇的兇手躲在床下,當場被捕, 據稱他是跟隨李女士強行進入公寓行兇 ,兇嫌二十五歲的納什是名流浪漢,而且是前科累累。
雖然我們不能確定這宗慘劇是否和種族歧視有關, 但是對於華人社區帶來了極大的震憾, 尤其是在紐約華人最多的中國城。
近年來, 由于疫情帶來的経濟治安之衝擊 ,無業遊民不斷增加, 尤其是在東西兩岸之紐約 、洛杉磯為最多 ,許多遊民都患有嚴重的精神病, 他們隨地而安, 近來許多案子都是他們犯下的罪行, 政府對他們也是束手無策。
我們要大力呼籲, 亞裔社區要拿出具體辦法來求自保 ,並且希望那些單身女子千萬要注意安全, 尤其在夜晚和黑暗的街道上, 千萬不可單獨行動 ,這些暴徒視亞裔婦女是最容易下手和欺負的群體。
紐約這個世界上最大的城市 ,四通八達的地下鐵和密密麻麻的公寓, 都是犯罪的深淵, 我們在此對李女士之遇害表示深切的哀悼 ,值此疫情未停, 希望大家多多保重 ,自求多福了。
Another Tragedy In New York
People from all walks of life in New York’s Chinatown gathered in front of the apartment of a murdered Chinese woman, Christina Lee, on Monday to mourn and express their fear for the community.
Christina had come from New Jersey and had been in the apartment less than a year. A suspect followed her to her apartment and at approximately 4:30 am walked into a room and stabbed her to death. Although we are not sure whether this tragedy is related to racial discrimination, it has brought yet another great shock to the Asian community.
In recent years, due to the impact of the pandemic, we have more homeless people than ever before, especially in New York and Los Angeles. Many of them suffer from mental illness. Many crimes are committed by them and this has become a growing social issue today.
We want to urge all in the Asian community to be united and to pay more attention to your personal security, especially for those single women out on the street that are often the target of crime.
It is very regrettable to have to say that the safety of our community is such an urgent matter. We must all meet the challenge to secure our community now.
The building owner told reporters that the murdered Chinese woman was such a sweet girl.