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大俠行天下日記 我見我聞我思 0322

大俠行天下日記 我見我聞我思 0322


 參議院審查美國最高法院法官布朗積克遜之聽証會今天將繼續, 民主和共和兩黨議員將對這位黑人女法官進行一連串的詢問, 對她過往之経歷政見再度審查, 如果她能順利過關, 將是美國歷史上第一位黑人女性最高法院法官。

 根據最高法院之記録, 在過去一百一十五位法官中, 一百零八位都是白人 ,民主黨認為積克遜法官之提名代表了劃時代之意義 ,共和黨表示他們不會做强力之杯葛, 法官之投票預計將在四月份投票。

 我們十分支持積克遜法官能順利通過,成為有史以來最高法院法官 ,這代表了美國少數族裔及婦女能在司法方面發聲, 也象徴司法參與和平等之進步。

 長久以來, 司法公正和公信力是美國最大的社會矛盾之一, 最高法院法官撑握了司法之最大和最後的解釋權 ,我們盼望這個最高司法機關注入新血, 共同為人民之司法公平正義而努力。



 位於德州州際公路105 號和六號之交匯處, 這座人口不到八千人的小鎮納瓦索達 ,被州議會定名為藍調音樂之都, 藍调音樂又稱布魯斯 ,公認為當代流行音樂的根源之一, 它其實是美國黑人的民间音樂風格, 早在南北戰爭之前就巳成型, 這種流行根源是來自非洲大陸。

 為了紀念已故音樂藍調歌唱家林士卡羅在這個小鎮出生 ,整個市內充滿着音樂文化氣氛 ,走在整潔寬大的市內馬路上, 許多早年之古式建筑和鮮艷之花卉 令人心曠神怡。

 在街道兩旁 ,意想不到有兩家古董店, 店內充斥著歐式傢俱、 餐具 、古玩和槍械, 而且價格十分便宜, 其中也有一些東方物品 ,我們買了幅中國手工刺繡, 只花了十八美元 ,可能連運費都不夠 ,其中還有許多仿古之花瓶、 瓷器 、價格都在幾十或幾美元之內。

 春天來了 ,這是踏青時節 ,在德州各地有無數的小城鎮, 他們人少地大, 家家座落在廣大的土地上, 仍然過著無憂無慮之鄉下生活, 這難道不是另一種的幸福嗎?

Black Female Supreme Court Justice About To Be Confirmed

The senate’s hearing to review U.S. Supreme Court Justice nominee Judge Ketanji Brown Jackson will continue today. Members of the Democratic and Republican parties will conduct a series of inquiries about the black judge and review her background. If she can pass the confirmation, she will be the first black female Supreme Court judge in American history.

According to the record of the Supreme Court, 108 of the 115 judges have been white. The Democratic Party believed that judge Jackson’s nomination represents epoch-making signification. The vote is expected in April.

We strongly support Judge Jackson’s becoming a judge of the Supreme Court which represents that American minorities and women can speak out in the judiciary and reflect equality and participation.

For a long time the judicial justices and their credibility have been the biggest social contradiction in our nation. Supreme Court judges have held the final right to interpretation of the law. We are hoping that this nomination will change some of the injustices of the past.

Navasota Treasure Hunt

Located at the intersection of State Highway 105 and Highway 6 is the City of Navasota with a population of just eight thousand. In 2005, the Texas Legislature designated the City of Navasota as the “Blues Capital of Texas” in honor of the late Mance Lipscomb, a Navasota native and blue musician.

In this small town, both sides of the street are filled with beautiful flowers, small stores and antique shops. One of the stores is full of European furniture and kitchenware. We found a fine Chinese handmade embroidery work that cost only eighteen dollars.

Spring is here and it's "getting out” season. There are so many small towns in Texas. We can go visit many people who live in the countryside with large land areas who live a simple country life. Isn’t this another kind of happiness?