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大俠行天下日記 我見我聞我思 0412

大俠行天下日記 我見我聞我思 0412


匹茲堡鋼人隊的四分衛赫斯金週六早晨在高速公路上被車撞死 這名俄亥俄州立大學足球名星現年只有二十四歲

警方目前對於他企圖橫跨595 号州際公路而被車撞上的原因尚未正式說明 地點位於佛拉德地國際機場附近

在警方之報告中只記録了週六上午六點半是一輛垃圾車撞上他 當㘯斃命

赫斯金從大學時代一路過關斬將終被鋼人隊録用 其前途是一片光芒

我們眼看一位年軽力狀之明星球員就此消失 感到十分可惜 從一些職業運動員之崛起其實有多非常多的辛酸歷史

在美國職業運動員中 尤其是美式足球 多半是非裔年青人 他們在童年時代 既便是生長的貧苦或單親家庭 許多年青人追求的是成為運動名星夢 他們不斷在運動場上留汗努力 只要被選中後立即名利雙收 光宗耀主

名星球員名在領到天文數字之酬勞後 許多变得生活極度豪華 如土把自己過去之苦日子忘得一乾二淨 更是無法撑握未來人生之方向

我們目前尚未瞭解赫斯金真正之死因不過他明知跨越超速公路是件極端危險之事 為何他還是徒步跨越了 真令人難予瞭解 ?

It Is A Sad Story

A young football star, Dwayne Haskins, died when he was struck by a dump truck Saturday morning as he tried to cross a highway on foot in south Florida.

The Pittsburgh Steelers quarterback was a former Ohio State University star and Heisman Trophy finalist. He was just 24.

Haskins was trying to cross the westbound lanes of Interstate 595 near Fort Lauderdale International Airport when the truck hit him.

The Police report didn’t give a reason why he was trying to cross the highway.

In recent days he had been working out with his teammates in south Florida.

It is really a sad story for some professional athletes, especially in the world of American football . Many of them are African-American young kids who grew up in poor single-parent families. A lot of them wanted to pursue the dream of becoming a sports star. And when they are selected, they receive both fame and fortune. For some of them their lives become very luxurious. They forget about the old days and can’t hold on to the direction of their future life.

We don’t know what the real reason was for this young man to attempt to cross the busy highway on foot. It is very hard to understand. But one thing we do know is that we lost a very talented young man in the world of professional football.