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大俠行天下日記 我見我聞我思 0422

大俠行天下日記 我見我聞我思 0422


德州経濟一片蓬勃發展,許多多中小企業及外州居民紛紛遷入, 休斯敦國際區每週都会迎來新的各項商業, 今天我再度和社區領袖為一家移民投資服務公司剪綵, 她們能在此落地為廣大移民服務, 有更多來自亞洲各國之移民, 將不斷到美國來投資 、留學 ,為我們的経濟繼續注入活力。

今天的開幕式來了一位遠從大達拉斯罕桐市的越南裔市長特鲁格醫生, 這個不到十萬居民的城市位於富沃市附近, 多年來這位亞裔市長把市政経營得途飛猛進 ,五年內経濟成長増加三倍之多, 他也是近年來在德州第一位當選的越裔市長。

在開幕儀式上,令我十分驚喜的是看到新一輩的亞裔青年, 已經不斷在創業之中 ,其中包括餐飲、 律師、 會計師、 移民服務 、汽車修理 、大型超市、 房地產開發, 更有許多人當選為市長、 州議員、 市議員, 這決非二十年前我們想像到的。

長江後浪推前浪, 江山待有人才出, 今天我們來到這塊土地上的當時多半是難民、學生、船員,今天許多人成為富商名人 ,下一代更是優秀 ,我們只有感恩再感恩了。

First Vietnamese Mayor of city of Haltom

Dr An M. Troung the first Vietnamese mayor of City of Haltom was in Houston Yesterday and join us to welcome businesswoman Huyen Nguyen to International District at the official opening of her My Viet Inc

With our IMD board member Stephen Le Sr Executive Director Natali Hurtado we are welcome any other new business in our district

Today Texas economic is booming many small and bug businesses and residents from other states have migrated to Texas what is surprised we saw many new Asian generation today they are constantly staring a business including restaurants law firm CPA supermarkets real Easte development and many of them became politicians like mayor and state representative or city councilman we just can’t imagine twenty some years ago.

We came to this Country as students refugees or jump form ship as crew members because we work hard a lot of People became rich and famous we wanted to appreciate and grateful again.