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大俠行天下日記 我見我聞我思 0503

大俠行天下日記 我見我聞我思 0503


拜登總統就任以來 首先面對新冠疫情之重大挑戰和経済之不振 經過多次之振興方案 加上近來疫情之減緩 整個商業基本重返正常 但是尤如洪水猛獸的通貨膨漲正在橫掃全美 最明顯的是物價大漲和油價飈升 於是聲載道 將會影響民主黨在國會選舉中之前途

首先沖激的是老百姓之荷包及各中小企業之成本 一位在休斯敦経營餐廳的老闆表示 我們進貨的肉品蔬菜及原料 沒有一樣不漲價 同時也找不到打工的工人 於是造成我們必須餐牌上漲的原因 有次我和在城西一位墨西哥餐廳老闆聊天 他說我們用的洋蔥 牛肉 辣椒几乎上漲了一倍之多

在二OO年總統大選時 在几乎七成拉丁裔是民主黨之鐵票 這次看來 這些鐵票已經開始生銹了

民生問題是我們最切心關心之事 從所有選舉之歷史上看來 凡是経濟一蹶不振之時總统非常難予連任

我們奉勸拜登的總統應該立即易弦更張 立即設法結束俄烏戰爭 改善和中國大陸緊張關係,让全世界共同解決病毒問題 交通運輸流暢 所謂通貨膨脹和油價問題即可免費迎刃而解 反之 戰爭持續 難民潮不斷 物價飛漲 受苦的還是平民百姓 更可怕的事 擴大戰爭將使人類遭受更大之浩劫

Hard Days Under Inflation

Since President Biden took office last year he first faced major changes with the Covid-19 epidemic and the economic downturn. After many stimulus bills in Congress and the recent slowdown of the pandemic, the nation’s business has basically returned to normal. But in recent months, inflation has been sweeping across the nation. The most obvious sign of inflation is the sharp rise in the prices of food and gasoline.

Recently I was in a restaurant in the International District. The owner told me that all his meat, vegetables and raw materials are going up, even when he can’t find workers to work in the restaurant. Last Saturday we were in a Mexican restaurant and they also have the same complaint.

In the last presidential election President Biden got more than 70% of the Latino votes. That was the major reason he got elected. Lately, according to the polls, many Latino voters might change their minds and support the Republicans. A lot of them are considering to let the other party have a chance to do the job.

When we look back at history and all the major elections, the economy has been the most important issue. No president just can’t make it if the people's livelihoods are in a bad condition.

We advise President Biden to change his direction and immediately try to end the war in Ukraine, improve the tensions with China and solve the virus problem with the whole world. The inflation and oil price problems can be solved over a period of time.

On the contrary, if the war in Ukraine drags on, and more and more refugees continue to leave their homeland, it will be the civilian people who will suffer.