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大俠行天下日記 我見我聞我思 0510

大俠行天下日記 我見我聞我思 0510



由美南新聞集團屬下國際貿易中心主辦的國際環球小姐選拔賽正在各族裔社區極積展開中 今天我們和越南裔 印度裔 華裔及拉丁裔社區再次舉行了籌備座談會 聽取各族裔之籌備工作報告

美南國際貿易中心成立近二十年來 成為非營利性質之社區服務機構 過去曾經主辦過許多大型國際活動 並且每年定期舉辦農曆春節游園會 並於2018 年主辦二次大戰胜利七十週年大會 有二萬五千名觀眾參加 是海外華人主辦的最大活動

多年來 該中心和萊斯大學及哈佛大學舉辦了德非貿易高峯及教育升學講座 並經常和美國商務部 小商業局 進出口銀行舉辦座談會 曾経有超過一萬家中小企業參加過國際貿易中心之大小活動

此次舉辦國際小姐選拔 將由各族裔商會社團及企業推荐 然後在美南環球劇坊集體培訓 並參加九月二十四日之决賽 當選者將和美南電視簽署合約 參加各項表演活動

我們十分期待並且有足夠信心來辦好這塲國際盛會 再度把各族裔佳儷帶上國際

We Will Bring The ITC Miss International Beauty Pageant To The World Stage

The ITC Miss International Beauty Pageant selection process sponsored by the International Trade Center and Southern News Group is underway.

Today we held a second preparatory meeting with the Vietnamese, Indian, Chinese and Latino communities to update the event’s activities.

Over the last twenty years, the International Trade Center has become a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization. It has hosted many large-scale international activities including The Annual Lunar New Year celebration. In 2015 we hosted the 70th Anniversary Victory of World War II at Houston’s Minute Maid Park and the event attracted more than twenty- five thousand spectators. It was the largest gathering ever for Houston’s International community.

Over the years, ITC and Rice and Harvard universities have held the Texas African Summit as well as many education workshops. ITC also works with SBA’s import-export bank to sponsor all kinds of seminars for small businesses. More than ten thousand participants came to the events over the last twenty years.

Today we want to move on and sponsor the ITC Miss International Beauty Pageant, not just to promote international culture, but also we want to give away scholarships to our young students.