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大俠行天下日記 我見我聞我思 0523

大俠行天下日記 我見我聞我思 0523


德州休斯敦駐有九十八個國家的外交領事代表, 其中有半數以上是許多國家任命的名譽總領事或代表, 但是他們仍然負有許多和當地政商及民間交流之重任。

上週五我們應邀參加了由大休斯敦商會主辦的德州休斯敦大商會主辦的大休斯敦経濟展望午餐會, 我和來自土耳其 、挪威、 斯蘭卡、幾內亞等國之總領事參加午餐會, 該會會長哈威在午餐會上首先感謝各國總領事在促進和大休斯敦文化経貿之巨大貢獻, 其中進出口名列前茅的國家包括中國大陸、 墨西哥 、巴西 、韓國 、印度、荷蘭、 德國、 日本 、英國、 哥倫比亞、意大利、 新加坡、 台灣等, 其中亞洲以百分之三十五佔全球第一名 ,其次是歐洲及中南美洲 ,非洲只佔百分之一點六而敬陪末座。

為了支持各國總領事在文化、 貿易之宣傳交流, 美南新聞集團將在所屬之美南環球劇坊為各國總領事舉辦現場电視网路直播”外交圓桌論壇“, 可以透過YouTube 臉書平台現场直播和各國外交文化經貿部長對話, 並在現場邀集有意到該國去投資之各界人士作現場立即交流 ,以了解各項投資投資事項之推動, 並且在當天在英文美南日報刊載參加國家之介紹專頁。

雖然世界局勢動盪不安 ,疫情未平 ,又傳出猴天花症狀 ,實在令人擔憂 ,但是, 休斯敦近月來之各項國際貿易不但已經回到疫前水平, 而且還在不斷增長。

在我出任几內亞駐休斯敦名譽總領事之後 ,原本早己籌劃訪問非洲, 但是二年多之疫情一直延宕下來, 希望年底前仍然可以成行, 也希望有意前往投資、 觀光之各界人士踴躍報名參加, 歡接下一輪非洲大陸経濟之起飛。

  • Houston “Diplomats Round Table”

    There are ninety-eight countries with representative consulates in the Greater Houston 

    area. More than half of them are honorary posts, appointed by different countries. They 

    all have the very important duty of communicating with local businessmen and 


    Last Friday, we were invited by the Greater Houston Partnership to join the “State of 

    Houston’s Global Economy” luncheon. Many general consuls from Turkey, Norway, 

    India and Canada were in attendance. President Harvey thanked all of the consuls general

    for promoting culture and making great contributions to trade and to the economy. 

    According to the statistics, the top countries doing business in the Houston area are 

    China, Mexico, Brazil, South Korea, India, The Netherlands, Germany, Japan, the United

    Kingdom, Colombia, Italy, Singapore and Taiwan. Asia is on the top of the list with 35%,

    followed by Europe and Central and South America. Africa has only 1.6 %.

    In order to promote international trade and culture, Southern News Group will sponsor a 

    live program, the “Diplomats Round Table,” in our international studio. Through our live 

    streaming, we will invite the consuls general of different countries to be our guests to 

    meet investors in our studio and their countries’ government officials can answer all 

    questions on the live LED screen. We are also going to publish a full page introduction of

    each country in our Southern Daily News newspaper.

    Although the world situation is turbulent, the epidemic has not calmed down and the 

    monkey smallpox symptoms are now really worrying those businesses in international 

    trade. In Houston, we are not only returning to pre-epidemic levels, but the numbers have

    also been growing.