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每日社评 0602 加拿大能 為何我們不能

每日社评  0602    加拿大能 為何我們不能

加拿大能 為何我們不能

加拿大總理杜魯道正在全國進行限購手槍之法令 並於週一向議會提出對於那些持有攻擊性武器的人必須繳交回來由政府購買 此舉將進一步加強對槍支之管制

杜魯道總理表示作為一個政府 一個社會我們有責任來防止悲劇之再次發生 如果我們看看南邊隣居發生之慘案 如果我們不採取斷然果斷之措施 將會更加困難去防範

加拿大政府這項限制購槍及收購回攻擊槍支法案 是倣照二O一九年紐西蘭發生一名持長槍兇手在回教寺打死五十一名信徒後才立法實施 當時政府收購回來六十五萬支攻擊性武器

根據瑞士民間機構之報告 加拿大民間擁有一千二百七十萬支非法和合法手槍 每一百人有三十四人持有槍枝 但是在美國有三億多支手槍每一百人就擁有一百二十支手槍 這數字十分驚人

加拿大政府統計百分之六十之犯罪是和手槍有關 這比美國之有關數據少得許多
老實說 如果加拿大政府能夠和議會全面合作痛下決心來防止槍支之汜滥 改善治安 是目前全民所期待的大事

雖然我們和加拿大國情不盡相同 但是加拿大能我們為何不能?! 拜登總統不斷呼籲要在國會立法但是民主共和兩黨意見分歧 至今尚無共識 也許只有求上天保佑 慘案不再重演


If Canada Can Do It, Why Can’t We ?

The Canadian government announced new regulations that would ban the sale and purchase and importation or transfer of handguns. Prime Minister Trudeau introduced the new legislation Monday that covers most of what Canada calls, “military-style weapons” that would require citizens to turn over their firearms to the government in a “buyback program” which would tighten the country’s already stringent control of firearms.

The handgun sales ban and the proposed assault weapons law are the latest in a series of steps Prime Minister Trudeau has taken to restrict firearms since 22 people were killed in rural Nova Scotia by a gunman in 2020. He said as a government and as a society, we have a responsibility to act to prevent more tragedies.

A survey conducted by a nonprofit organization in Switzerland estimated that there were 12.7 million legal and illegal guns in Canada, or 34.7 firearms per 100 people, but in the  United States, there are more than 300 million guns in circulation, or 120 firearms per 100  people. In Canada, handguns cause 60% of the crimes. Also in Canada, another measure proposed includes making it a crime to modify a rifle to increase its capacity. Other measures include more penalties for gun smuggling and giving police more power to seize the guns from people who a judge determines to be a risk of hurting themselves or others.

As Canada’s neighbor, whatever steps they are taking for more restrictions on gun control will be part of our problem.

Today in the U.S. Congress we are facing so much difficulty when new weapon control laws are discussed because of the many conflicts of interest related to our politicians with ties to special interest groups. It is very clear that unless we take more dramatic measures to control this gun control issue, we are still going to face more tragedies.