社評 0627 墮胎案令美國兩極化

上週五,美國最高法院做成裁決推翻半世紀前有關女性墮胎合憲權的羅素韋德案 ,並裁定女性墮胎並非憲法賦予之權利, 此決定立即導致墮胎在許多州是屬非法。
最高法院是以六對三票裁決墮胎並非憲法賦予之權利, 將是否允許之權利交由各州來決定, 預計將有數百萬婦女失去了服務之途徑。
歡心鼓舞的反堕胎人士認為是一次重大勝利 ,數以千計的嬰兒生命得救 ,擁護墮胎者認為女性倒退了五十年。
拜登總统稍後在白宮表示, 高院之裁決對法院和這個國家來說是悲哀的一天。
在十一月份的中期選舉, 民主黨希望因此得到更多女性之選票, 激起對共和黨之反抗 ,他們希望墮胎制定為聯邦禁令, 將可能是兩黨下一輪的鬥爭。
當疫情及物價繼續不斷造成之社會問題, 我們看見在加州大城洛杉磯及舊金山街頭不斷湧進之流浪漢及無業遊民搭蓬為家 ,街上一片混亂, 精神病患到處游走, 看了後真是令人痛心, 這還是美國嗎? 當記者訪問市長要求答案時, 他們兩手一攤 ,不知所云。
墮胎案再次反應了我們是一個國家居住在不同的世界, 美國已經是個分裂的民族群體, 各自擁有不同的信仰價值, 質得當政者深思。
The Impact Of Abortion Rights
The impact of the U.S. Supreme Court’s historic ruling on Friday that struck down a 1973 legal precedent-setting court decision known as Roe vs. Wade was felt immediately with at least 10 states effectively banning abortion as of Saturday night. Another 5 states are expected to enact varying “trigger laws” limiting abortions in coming weeks. In all, 26 states have laws in place that indicate they could outlaw abortion.
The Supreme Court ruled by a 6-3 vote that abortion is not a constitutional right and that it is up to the states to decide whether the right will be allowed or not. It is expected that millions of women will lose access to the service. Anti-abortion groups consider this is a great victory for their cause.
President Biden later said in the White House that this is a sad day for the Supreme Court and the country.
The Democratic Party hopes to get more women’s votes to provoke resistance to the Republican party in the upcoming mid-term elections in November.
Since the pandemic and inflation have continued to affect the country, we have seen a large influx of many homeless people to the streets of Los Angeles and San Francisco. The streets are now in widespread chaos with mental patients wandering all around. It is very sad to see this happening. “Is this our country, the United States of America?” was a question asked by a reporter to the mayor of a large U.S. city during an on-air interview. The mayor could not come up with an answer.
The abortion issue really is one of our country’s most pressing social problems. We are really a country that lives in two different worlds with completely different beliefs and values and now we have become a deeply divided nation of two separate communities.
We urge President Biden to turn more of his attention on our domestic issues such as homelessness, mental health and the hunger issue. These are fundamental human rights of our citizens that should not be ignored.