社評0702 國慶節出遊人數破記錄

今年七月四日國慶節出遊人數將回到疫情前之記錄, 即便是油價高得嚇人.
根據AAA公司發表之數字, 國慶期間將有四千八百萬人出門, 至少開上五十英里之汽車或搭乘飛機 ,這也象徵著旅遊將盡快回到榮景。
截至今天為止,全國油價平均是每加崙四點八四美元 ,加州最貴是六點二七美元 ,估計有二百四十萬人將座火車游輪及巴士出行, 三百五十萬人將搭飛機出行, 該協會建議開車出行最好在早上十點前或晚上九點後, 交通比較不太擁擠。
全國主要大城都會在七月四日國慶當天施放煙火, 其中包括紐約梅西煙火表演最為壮觀。
過去近三年來, 因為疫情關系, 許多活動都取消了, 最近因疫情較緩, 大家都因為隔離太久皆渴望出去散心。
我們還是要提醒大家注意防護和安全, 近月來在全國各地確診人數還在不斷蔓延, 雖然多半皆是輕微症狀, 但是還是要十分謹慎小心。
國慶日是大家應該共同庆祝之大日子, 我們看到許多烏克蘭難民最近移民到了美國各大城市已經超過十萬人 ,他們歴経炮火能到達美國開始新的生活是何其幸運, 因戰亂還有近千萬难民流離失所, 是何等不幸。
我們盼望戰爭盡快結束, 和平早日到來。
Record Travelers Taking Trips On July 4th Holiday
People are taking holiday trips on July 4th which is expected to return to the pre-Covid -19 level this year.
According to AAA projections, more than 42 million of those travelers will be traveling on the road, another 2.4 million will take the bus, train or cruise ships.
According to the survey, the gas price national average was $4.84 per gallon. However, in many states, the price is still over $5 dollars. California has the most expensive gas at $6.27 per gallon.
According to the AAA, despite the high cost of gas and airline tickets, people are ready for a break now. This is a sign that summer travel is kicking into high gear. The best time to travel on the road will be before 10:00 AM and after 9:00 PM.
In many big and small cities there will be many fireworks shows, including Macy’s Fourth of July Fireworks on the East River in New York Monday night.
As we are celebrating the July 4th holiday, we are also welcoming thousands of Ukrainian refugees who have arrived in America to start their new life.
Many of us are also new immigrants to this land. We fully understand how these new residents need to settle down in a new place. All of us need to help them find their new future.
Welcome to the Ukrainian people! You are now part of our community.