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美國新冠疫情日記 04/14/2020 州長和總統不同調

美國新冠疫情日記 04/14/2020   州長和總統不同調




截至今早,美國全國已有近六十萬人之新增病例,已經有二萬三千人喪生,五十州都已淪陷, 再看全世界之疫情在全球繼續蔓延,二百多個國家無一幸免,國際金融組織已提出嚴厲警告:如果各國無法協調阻止疫情肆虐,全球之經濟蕭條將延至二O二一年。


                   Federal And States Conflict

Governor Cuomo of New York State said this morning, “We have a constitution, not a king.” 

This is a big issue between the states and the federal government.

From President Trump’s point of view, the national economy and the presidential election in November both are very critical issues for him. We are witnessing the long lines of the unemployed looking for jobs and massive crowds at food banks around the country. Millions of small and big businesses are finding it difficult just to survive. Only one month ago the President said we are having the best economy in the nation’s history.

America already has more than six hundred thousand confirmed cases and twenty-three thousand have lost their lives . As the International Monetary Fund has said, there is a risk of a recession extending into 2021 if policy makers fail to coordinate a global response to the virus.

We sincerely hope that the state and federal government will work together in the best interests of our nation and our people.