社評 0713 世界人口爆炸

聯合國週一發布報告指出,到今年十一月十五日全世界人口將達到八十億, 印度人口將突破十四億大關, 將超過中國成為世界人口最多的國家 ,報告中也預測 到了二O五0年印度人口將達到十六億六千八百萬,而中國會下降至十三億一千七百萬, 印度將遠超過中國。
秘書長古特雷斯表示,我們有責任共同來照顧這個星球 ,根據聯合國之報告,過去四十年來 ,中國経済之起飛是得利於人口紅利, 這項優勢可能在未來日益消失,而由印度、 越南及孟加拉等人口激增之國家來代替。
世界人口不斷之增多 已經是全球糧食短缺之危機 ,如何能讓人人吃得保 ,是大家共同之責任。
當世界人口到2030 年將達八十五億, 2025 年達九十七億 ,到2080 年時會超過一百零四億, 這豈不是人口之爆炸嗎?
在人類為了追求更美好之生活 ,砍伐森林破壞大自然 ,污染海洋是造成目前生態環境惡化之重大原因, 這也造成氣候變化, 天災頻傳使人類可生存之地方越來越少。
目前世界戰亂不止, 疫情未能控制能源短缺 ,糧食不足, 然而人口還是不斷增長, 實在是另一種危機再現。
World Population Explosion
The United Nations released a report on Monday that said the world’s population will reach 8 billion by November 15 of this year. The Indian population will exceed the 1.4 billion mark, surpassing China as the world’s most populous country.
The report also predicts that by the year of 2050, India's population will reach 16.68 billion and China's population will reduce to 13.17 billion.
UN Secretary-General António Gutierrez said that, “It is our responsibility to take care of the global planet together.”
According to a report, over the last forty years China’s economy has had the young labor power, but this advantage will disappear and be replaced by India and Vietnam.
The continuous increase of the world’s population has already spawned the crisis of a global food shortage. When the world's population reaches 85 billion in 2030 and estimates now show we will reach 104 billion by the year 2080, isn’t this a population explosion?
In the pursuit of a better life by human beings, we are sacrificing nature and the environment which has caused climate change and an increase of natural disasters have occurred around the world.
At the present time, the war in Ukraine is still going on, the pandemic has failed to be controlled and we are facing a global food shortage. Climate change is really another crisis.