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社評0802 美國國會議長搞亂台海局勢

社評0802  美國國會議長搞亂台海局勢



佩洛西是自二十五年來 首次前往台北訪問的美國眾議院議長 之前曾有議長金利契前往訪問過台灣

美國國防部官員正在二十四小時密切注意中國軍方之動態來保護佩洛西一行之安全 中國方面認為台灣是中國不可分割之神聖領土 佩洛西之到訪是一次極大的威脅 外交部發言人趙立剛表示:“我們不斷告知美國中國人民解放軍決不坐視並將强烈反制對保障對中國領土及主權之完整。”

國務卿布林肯表示 國會個獨立的政府單位 我們不知道佩洛西議長要做什么, 這純粹是她自已的決定

我們對於台海目前之情勢十分擔憂 正如新加坡總理李顯龍所說 中美兩大國應該和平共處 為世界謀福利

佩洛西議長在其政治生涯中最後階段 應該用其智慧寫下輝煌之一頁

( 图片来源:路透社)

Pelosi’s Final Political Journey

On her trip to Asia, Speaker Nancy Pelosi is expected to visit Taiwan despite warnings from President Biden’s administration officials who are worried about China’s response.

According to Taiwanese officials, Pelosi will stay one night in Taipei. The U.S. Defense Department officials are watching the clock and monitoring Chinese movement in the region and trying to develop a secure plan for her safety.

Chinese Foreign ministry spokesman Zhao Lilian told the reporters that, “We would like to tell the U.S. once again that China is standing by and the Chinese People’s Liberation Army will not sit idly by. China will take a resolute response and strong countermeasures to defend its sovereignty and territorial integrity.”

U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken said in NewYork that, “We do not know what Speaker Pelosi intends to do. Congress is an independent coequal branch of government. The decision is entirely the speaker’s.” Blinken said that such a visit has precedent noting past speakers and members of the U.S. Congress have visited Taiwan.

The question of Taiwan is “the most sensitive and important core issue in U.S. and China relations.” the Chinese diplomat said.

We are very worried about the current situation in the Taiwan Strait. As Prime Minister Lee of Singapore said, “The two superpowers should coexist peacefully for the benefit of the world.”

We hope that Speaker Pelosi will use her wisdom to write a glorious page in the final stage of her political career and never bring the threat of war to the world.