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社評 0803 佩洛西終於抵台

社評 0803  佩洛西終於抵台


眾議院議長佩洛西及她帶來之代表團終於抵達台北為中美台三方之未來局勢埋下了緊張的伏筆 尤其是台灣將來在兩大強權之對峙下 將更艱難

中國官方曾經多次向美國提出警告 認為佩洛西是美國第三號人物她的行為是嚴重破壞和侵犯中國主權和領土完整向台獨發出錯誤信號

長久以來 台灣是中美兩國非常棘手的問題 由於民進黨所走之政治路線 已經使這個地區成為戰爭之導火缐

這位八十二高齡的議長 在抵達後之聲明中表明將堅定不移的支持台灣充滿活力的民主

我們要非常遺憾地指出 由于佩洛西對台灣之高調訪問 將對未來亞洲台海之情勢更加令人擔憂 中國大陸將會加強在経濟 外交及軍事上對台灣之壓力 包括在島之軍事演習 把越過台海中缐常態化 終止許多商業往來 對於長期依賴大陸貿易的台灣而言 將是重大之打擊

我們決不願看見台海情勢之惡化 是誰終將成為戰場 請大家深思吧

Pelosi Finally Arrives In Taiwan

U.S. House Speaker Nancy Pelosi along with her delegation landed in Taipei despite China’s threats of retaliation over her visit.

She issued a statement saying that the visit honors American’s unwavering commitment to supporting Taiwan’s vibrant democracy.

China responded by holding military exercises and conveyed bellicose rhetoric warnings that stated that Pelosi’s visit has a severe impact on the political foundation of the China-U.S. relationship and seriously infringes on China’s territorial and sovereign integrity and sends the wrong signal to the Taiwan independence separatist forces.

Some politicians, including the mayor of Taipei, Ko Wen-je, wanted the government of Taiwan to avoid being put between “a rock and hard place” in U.S.- China relations.

For a long time Taiwan has been a very difficult problem for the U.S. and China relationship. We would like to point out, with great regret, that because of Pelosi’s high-profile visit to Taiwan, there will surely be more to worry about now with the situation revolving around the Taiwan Strait. China will definitely put more pressure on Taiwan economics, diplomacy and military affairs. For the island, which has for a long time relied on mainland trade, it will be a major blow.

We have never wanted to see the deterioration of the situation in the Taiwan Strait. But now it might finally lead to the battlefield, and then Taiwan will greatly suffer.