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社評 0808 參院通過氣候變遷及醫療法案

社評 0808 參院通過氣候變遷及醫療法案


経過二十二小時冗長辯論之後參院以五十一對五十票通過了氣候變遷及醫療法案 這是民主黨及拜登總統在民意低潮中的一次重大勝利

此法案將對大型公司增稅并對減少碳排放項目支出千億美元預算 延長對醫療保險之補貼對於年收入四十萬元之家庭不會增稅

此法案仍需要民主黨占微弱多數的眾議院在週五通過 這是該黨一次險勝 曾經幾次談判破裂 佔有五十席的共和黨全數反對

老實說 參院通過此法案 尤其是主張新能源對盛產石油的德州是項重大之打擊 但是我們也要從此次能源短缺及油價高居不下之經驗中吸取教訓

民主黨之理念是在於救助貧苦及弱勢族群 因而政府需要擴大支出 但是政府在入不敷出之財政窘境下 要如何解決通貨膨脹之問題呢?!

民主黨面對十一月中旬之期中選面對許多挑戰 包括拜登總統之低落民調 此法案之通過可能使許多人有感 但是現存之許多問題仍然存在

我們應從整個世界之格局來看待美國之處境 如果要獨善其身是不可能的事

Senate Passes Landmark Climate Change And Healthcare Bill

If the U.S. House soon passes the Senate’s Climate Change and Healthcare Bill, it will help the Democratic Party and President Biden’s midterm election prospects.

This bill may not help to cut down the cost of living, but it will change a lot of policies in the economy. In the bill we will spend $370 billion to reduce emissions that contribute to climate change. The White House said the bill could help a massive human impact by helping elderly Americans struggling to pay for certain vital medicines and create a real quality of life improvement for millions. And in extending Obamacare, this is one of the greatest achievements of the Democratic Party.

From the Republican side, they are seeing the bill as making the already soaring inflation even worse.

The new bill is a major blow for energy states such like Texas. We need to remember from experience the high cost of energy storage and escalating gas prices.

From the Democratic party's standpoint, they are try to help the poor and vulnerable groups, so they think the government needs to spend more money. But when our deficits are getting higher and higher, how are we going to solve the inflation problem we still are facing?

We should look at the situation of the United States from the perspective of the whole world. It is impossible to think that our decisions will affect our country alone.